Goran Rakic pravi:
Is it possible to send updated translations for 3.0.1?

Updated Serbian translations are available online at
http://ooo.matf.bg.ac.yu/OOO300_m14/GSI_sr.sdf.bz2 (Cyrillic) and
http://ooo.matf.bg.ac.yu/OOO300_m14/GSI_sh.sdf.bz2 (Latin).

Best regards,
Goran Rakic
Serbian OpenOffice.org
native-lang project lead

Are these really strings from m14 or is it just a name? Because for 3.0.1 m39 will be used, AFAIK. Look at http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/POT/ for the package, when it will be available (now it is m38)

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