
FYI. Of interest: Line Breaking Algorithm and Bidirectional Algorithm.


----- Forwarded message from announceme...@unicode.org -----

Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 16:05:31 -0700
Subject: [Unicode Announcement] New Public Review #149: UTS #22; and other PRI 

The Unicode Technical Committee has posted a new issue for public review 
and comment. Details are on the following web page:


Review period for the new item closes on August 3, 2009.

Please see the page for links to discussion and relevant documents. 
Briefly, the new issue is:

PRI #149
Proposed Update UTS #22: Unicode Character Mapping Markup Language

This proposed update includes editorial fixes and clarifications based 
on community feedback. There is a small change in the DTD from version 
three to this proposed version five (a new default attribute value). See 
the Modification History and the highlighted changes for details.

There are also two updates to open Public Review Issues:

PRI #136
Proposed Update UAX #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm

The text of UAX #14 has been revised throughout, with both substantive 
and editorial changes. A new Line_Break class CP has been added, and the 
rule LB30 has been reintroduced, to address an edge case involving 
breaks around parenthesized letters. More new Southeast Asian scripts 
and characters have been added to the Line_Break class SA. The lists of 
characters representing each Line_Break class are now exemplary, rather 
than exhaustive in the text. Please review the new text carefully.

PRI #134
Proposed Update UAX #9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm

The latest revision also includes a new conformance test file, which 
implementers should carefully review. See BidiTest.txt in the data files 
directory: http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.2.0/ucd/

The closing dates remain the same.

If you have comments for official UTC consideration, please post them by
submitting your comments through our feedback & reporting page:


If you wish to discuss issues on the Unicode mail list, then please use 
the following link to subscribe (if necessary). Please be aware that 
discussion comments on the Unicode mail list are not automatically 
recorded as input to the UTC. You must use the reporting link above to 
generate comments for UTC consideration.


All of the Unicode Consortium lists are strictly opt-in lists for members
or interested users of our standards. We make every effort to remove
users who do not wish to receive e-mail from us. To see why you are getting
this mail and how to remove yourself from our lists if you want, please
see http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html#announcements

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