Works for me. I have no vendor lock-in concerns. :)

The only question I have is about Beta status and what that means. In GCP,
a Beta service means feature-complete and no breaking changes when the
service moves to GA. But Beta has no SLAs. I don't know how GitHub/MS
define Beta, nor what their timeline would be to get to GA. But I suppose
reverting back to Travis is always an option if necessary.

+1 from me

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 5:35 AM Tomaz Muraus <> wrote:

> Everyone,
> Github recently announced Github Actions powered CI/CD platform (
> To see how it works out, I tried porting our existing Travis CI based CI/CD
> workflow to Github Actions one -
> Actions CI/CD is still in beta, but I was already fairly happy with the end
> result.
> To decrease the barrier to entry and contribution and reduce overhead for
> the committers, we already moved all the development to Github recently.
> I think utilizing Actions CI/CD would help us with that as well, since it's
> directly integrated into Github (unlike Travis CI).
> Similar to Travis CI, Github Actions CI/CD is also free for open source
> project. In addition to that, it currently has much faster build times due
> to much shorter build queue and wait times.
> This may change in the future when the platform is out of beta and when
> more project starting using it.
> Right now it works out of the box for us, only limitation is we can't
> trigger ReadTheDocs build as part of our CI/CD workflow, because we don't
> have access to manage Github project secrets (see the corresponding ASF
> infra issue for details -
> ).
> What do others think?
> I know there may be some concerns with "vendor lock-in" and putting all the
> eggs in a single basket approach, but that can be part of a broader
> discussion.
> On one hand, after the MS acquisition, I think Github introduced a lot of
> cool and useful new features, but on the other hand I'm also a bit worried
> about that general direction since it's making the whole software
> development process even more centralized and centered around Github.

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