This is a voting thread for Libcloud v3.8.0 

The last release was in January 2023 and a lot of changes have accumulated in 
since then.

Release highlights include removing 18 drivers for providers which are not
active anymore (they have been acquired, went out of business or similar) and
various performance optimizations in the storage drivers.

Release also includes various developer and modern Python best practices
related changes:

* tooling (pylint, mypy, bandit, isort, black, etc.) config options have been
migrated into pyproject.yaml file
* package setup and build related metadata has been migrated from

and setup.cfg to pyproject.toml
* unsafe " test" wrapper command has been removed in favor of
invoking pytest directly
* "build" PyPi package is now used for creating release artifacts (sdist, wheel)
in an isolated virtual environment

In the next minor release (v3.9.0), we also plan to drop support for Python 3.7
which is now EOL (

Full changelog can be found at

Release artifacts can be found at

Please test the release and post your votes.

+/- 1
[ ] Release Apache Libcloud 3.8.0

Vote will be open until August 9th, 2023 (or longer, if needed).

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