Be aware that we have moved from Godeps/_workspace/src GOPATH for building
to using the vendor/ directory.  Builds have been changed to take this into
account, but some scripts may be broken if I didn't catch them.

There are additional steps required to make Godep restore work now (you'll
need to fetch a number of OpenShift forks of various projects we carry
patches on).  A script will be added O(soon) for those.

There are some latent flakes exposed in tests - please file issues and
mention them on the rebase PR (
if they look net new.

If you had new features go in upstream that need to be secured or enabled
please get those PRs ready - I'd like to cut 1.3.0-alpha.3 soon, but I
won't do it until we've ensured we've got the security angle covered.

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