I'm trying to build the oc binary for Windows. I setup the Vagrant box and
tried make build-cross

but get the following errors:

[vagrant@localhost origin]$ make build-cross
rm -rf _output
++ Building go targets for linux/amd64: cmd/openshift cmd/oc
++ Building go targets for darwin/amd64: cmd/openshift cmd/oc
go install runtime/internal/sys: mkdir /usr/lib/golang/pkg/darwin_amd64:
permission denied
[ERROR] PID 3675: hack/common.sh:325: `GOOS=${platform%/*}
GOARCH=${platform##*/} go install "${goflags[@]:+${goflags[@]}}"
"${platform_goflags[@]:+${platform_goflags[@]}}" -ldflags
"${version_ldflags}" "${nonstatics[@]}"` exited with status 1.
[INFO]          Stack Trace:
[INFO]            1: hack/common.sh:325: `GOOS=${platform%/*}
GOARCH=${platform##*/} go install "${goflags[@]:+${goflags[@]}}"
"${platform_goflags[@]:+${platform_goflags[@]}}" -ldflags
"${version_ldflags}" "${nonstatics[@]}"`
[INFO]            2: hack/common.sh:264: os::build::internal::build_binaries
[INFO]            3: hack/build-cross.sh:27: os::build::build_binaries
[INFO]   Exiting with code 1.
[ERROR] PID 3664: hack/common.sh:261: `(
os::build::internal::build_binaries "${binaries[@]+"${binaries[@]}"}" )`
exited with status 1.
[INFO]          Stack Trace:
[INFO]            1: hack/common.sh:261: `(
os::build::internal::build_binaries "${binaries[@]+"${binaries[@]}"}" )`
[INFO]            2: hack/build-cross.sh:27: os::build::build_binaries
[INFO]   Exiting with code 1.
Makefile:214: recipe for target 'build-cross' failed
make: *** [build-cross] Error 1
[vagrant@localhost origin]$

Any tips ?
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