On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Clayton Coleman <ccole...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Why do we need parameters? Which parameters are we adding?

For our use case, the idea was detect image refs that point to the
internal registry and the old project name during archival/export,
parameterize, and provide the integrated registry IP and new project
name as params during unarchival/import.

> On Aug 9, 2017, at 12:21 PM, Cesar Wong <cew...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi Devan,
> You can see my branch here:
> https://github.com/csrwng/origin/tree/parameterize_template
> (last 5 commits)
> Hopefully should be a PR soon. The REST endpoint should be functional, the
> CLI still needs work, but basically the idea is to have the reverse of the
> ‘oc process’ command, where the input is a list of resources and out comes a
> template with parameters.
> On Aug 9, 2017, at 11:40 AM, Devan Goodwin <dgood...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Cesar Wong <cew...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi Devan,
> This past iteration I started work on this same problem [1]
> https://trello.com/c/I2ZJxS94/998-5-improve-oc-export-to-parameterize-containerapppromotion
> The problem is broad and the way I decided to break it up is to consider the
> export and parameterize operations independently. The export should be
> handled by the resource’s strategy as you mentioned in the Kube issue you
> opened. The parameterization part can be a follow up to the export. Here’s
> an initial document describing it:
> https://docs.google.com/a/redhat.com/document/d/15SLkhXRovY1dLbxpWFy_Wfq3I6xMznsOAnopTYrXw_A/edit?usp=sharing
> Thanks that was a good read, will keep an eye on this document.
> Does anything exist yet for your parameterization code? Curious what
> it looks like and if it's something we could re-use yet, what the
> inputs and outputs are, etc.
> On the export side, I think we need to decide whether there is different
> “types” of export that can happen which should affect the logic of the
> resource strategy. For example, does a deployment config look different if
> you’re exporting it for use in a different namespace vs a different cluster.
> If this is the case, then right now is probably a good time to drive that
> change to the upstream API as David suggested.
> Is anyone working on a proposal for this export logic upstream? I am
> wondering if I should try to put one together if I can find the time.
> The general idea (as I understand it) would be to migrate the
> currently quite broken export=true param to something strategy based,
> and interpret "true" to mean a strategy that matches what we do today.
> The references in code I've seen indicate that the current intention
> is to strip anything the user cannot specify themselves.
> On Aug 9, 2017, at 10:27 AM, Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Devan Goodwin <dgood...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Devan Goodwin <dgood...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> We are working on a more robust project export/import process (into a
> new namespace, possibly a new cluster, etc) and have a question on how
> to handle image streams.
> Our first test was with "oc new-app
> https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world.git";, this results in an
> image stream like the following:
> $ oc get is ruby-hello-world -o yaml
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: ImageStream
> metadata:
>  annotations:
>    openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp
>  creationTimestamp: 2017-08-08T12:01:22Z
>  generation: 1
>  labels:
>    app: ruby-hello-world
>  name: ruby-hello-world
>  namespace: project1
>  resourceVersion: "183991"
>  selfLink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/project1/imagestreams/ruby-hello-world
>  uid: 4bd229be-7c31-11e7-badf-989096de63cb
> spec:
>  lookupPolicy:
>    local: false
> status:
>  dockerImageRepository:
>  tags:
>  - items:
>    - created: 2017-08-08T12:02:04Z
>      dockerImageReference:
>      generation: 1
>      image:
> sha256:8d0f81a13ec1b8f8fa4372d26075f0dd87578fba2ec120776133db71ce2c2074
>    tag: latest
> If we link up with the kubernetes resource exporting by adding
> --export:
> $ oc get is ruby-hello-world -o yaml --export
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: ImageStream
> metadata:
>  annotations:
>    openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp
>  creationTimestamp: null
>  generation: 1
>  labels:
>    app: ruby-hello-world
>  name: ruby-hello-world
>  namespace: default
>  selfLink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/default/imagestreams/ruby-hello-world
> spec:
>  lookupPolicy:
>    local: false
> status:
>  dockerImageRepository:
> This leads to an initial question, what stripped the status tags? I
> would have expected this code to live in the image stream strategy:
> https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/pkg/image/registry/imagestream/strategy.go
> but this does not satisfy RESTExportStrategy, I wasn't able to
> determine where this is happening.
> The dockerImageRepository in status remains, but weirdly flips from
> "project1" to "default" when doing an export. Should this remain in an
> exported IS at all? And if so is there any reason why it would flip
> from project1 to default?
> Our real problem however picks up in the deployment config after
> import, in here we end up with the following (partial) DC:
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: DeploymentConfig
> metadata:
>  annotations:
>    openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp
>  labels:
>    app: ruby-hello-world
>  name: ruby-hello-world
>  namespace: project2
>  selfLink:
> /oapi/v1/namespaces/project2/deploymentconfigs/ruby-hello-world
> spec:
>  template:
>    metadata:
>      annotations:
>        openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp
>      labels:
>        app: ruby-hello-world
>        deploymentconfig: ruby-hello-world
>    spec:
>      containers:
>      - image:
>        imagePullPolicy: Always
>        name: ruby-hello-world
> So our deployment config still refers to a very specific image and
> points to the old project. Is there any logic we could apply safely to
> address this?
> It feels like this should boil down to something like
> "ruby-hello-world@sha256:HASH", could we watch for
> $REGISTRY_IP:PORT/projectname/ during export and strip that leading
> portion out? What would be the risks in doing so?
> Adding Cesar since he was recently looking at some of the export logic
> you
> have questions about and he's also very interested in this subject since
> he's working on a related piece of functionality.  That said:
> if you've got an imagechangetrigger in the DC you should be able to
> strip
> the entire image field (it should be repopulated from the ICT
> imagestream
> reference during deployment).  However:
> Ok good, so during export we can iterate the image change triggers, if
> we see one we can match up on containerName and strip container.image
> for that name.
> 1) you still need to straighten out the ICT reference which is also
> going to
> be pointing to an imagestreamtag in the old project/cluster/whatever
> Ok I think we can handle this explicitly. More below though.
> 2) if you don't have an ICT reference you do need to sort this out and
> stripping it the way you propose is definitely not a good idea...what's
> going to repopulate that w/ the right prefix/project in the new cluster?
> What if the image field was pointing to docker.io or some other external
> registry?
> I definitely wouldn't advocate blindly doing so, but rather on export
> I believe we can determine the cluster registry IP (if there is one),
> and then watch for it as we export objects, and parameterize it. At
> this point it feels like we need to be thinking about generating a
> template rather than a flat list of kube API resources. (which is what
> our app does right now)
> talk to Cesar.  He's developing a "templatize this resource object" api
> endpoint.  The idea would be to run a flow where you export objects, then
> send them through the templatizer.
> This past iteration
> To clarify I have been attempting to do as much of this using the
> built in kube API "export" param, but the suggestion above feels like
> it should not be there. Our main driver will be an app in-cluster (for
> monitoring capacity and archiving dormant projects), so we do have a
> place to apply extra logic like this. I'm now thinking our app should
> layer this logic in after we fetch the resources using kube's export
> param, and then generate a template.
> We need a general solution to the "export this resource for use in another
> project/cluster" problem, it would be nice if this could be that.  But as i
> said, there are some very intractable problems around how to handle
> references.
> Side topic, it would be nice if this functionality was available in oc
> somewhere (potentially as some new command in future), would just need
> to solve lookup of the integrated registry IP so we could extract it
> to a param.
> yes, it's definitely desirable if we can solve the challenges to make it
> generically usable.
> In short, you're attempting to tackle a very complex problem where the
> answer is frequently "it depends".  We wrote some documentation
> discussing
> some of the considerations when exporting/importing resources between
> clusters/projects:
> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/application_lifecycle/promoting_applications.html
> This is very useful, as is the feedback, thanks! If anyone has
> additional edge cases in mind please let us know, or if you believe
> this is simply not possible and we shouldn't be trying. However at
> this point I'm still feeling like we can proceed here with the goal of
> doing as much as we can, try to ensure the users project makes it into
> it's new location and if something is broken because we missed it, or
> it simply has to be broken because we can't make assumptions, they can
> fix it themselves.
> Defining the boundary conditions of when the user simply has to step in and
> manually fix up references/etc is definitely a good idea.  I think anything
> that references something outside the current project (whether that means
> another project in the same cluster, or another cluster, or an external
> registry entirely) qualifies, at a minimum, for a warning to the user of "we
> weren't sure how to handle this so we left it alone, but you may need to
> update it depending where you intend to reuse this resource"
> All help appreciated, thanks.
> Devan
> --
> Ben Parees | OpenShift
> --
> Ben Parees | OpenShift
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