You can look into two places for clues.  The pod's log itself (oc -n
logging logs -f logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5) and project events (oc
-n logging get events)

Em 15 de set de 2017 07:10, "Yu Wei" <> escreveu:

> Hi,
> I setup OpenShift origin 3.6 cluster successfully and enabled metrics and
> logging.
> Metrics worked well and logging didn't worked.
> Pod *logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5-deploy* in logging frequently
> crashed with below logs,
> *--> Scaling logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5 to 1 *
> *--> Waiting up to 10m0s for pods in rc logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5
> to become ready *
> *error: update acceptor rejected logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5: pods
> for rc "logging-es-data-master-lf6al5rb-5" took longer than 600 seconds to
> become ready*
> I didn't find other information. How could I debug such problem?
> Thanks,
> Jared, (韦煜)
> Software developer
> Interested in open source software, big data, Linux
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