2018-05-23 23:06 GMT+02:00 Daniel Comnea <comnea.d...@gmail.com>:

> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Vyacheslav Semushin <vsemu...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> 2018-05-17 17:18 GMT+02:00 Charles Moulliard <cmoul...@redhat.com>:
>>> The trick / solution  described there doesn t work. I tried also using
>>> the ansible playbook of Openshift to remove the project and recreate it and
>>> the pod is always recreated with Openshift annotation = anyuid
>> The reason of why "anyuid" SCC is being applied is because it was granted
>> to all authenticated users. And because anyuid has priority 10, it gets
>> applied instead of "restricted" SCC.
> [DC]: how do you know about anyuid and priority 10?

In the gist that you provided, you posted the output of the oc get
scc/anyuid -o yaml command that shows me that SCC has been granted to
system:authenticated group and
system:serviceaccount:openshift-web-console:webconsole user. Also it shows
the priority field.

> In other words how can i find out each scc what priority has ?

Both of the following commands contain PRIORIT field:
oc get scc
oc get scc <name>

Slava Semushin | OpenShift
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