On 2/4/19 10:42 AM, Thode Jocelyn wrote:
> This is what I had understood as well. Thanks for the clarification.
> Should I post directly on the openshift origin repository to ask for this 
> feature (if it is feasible) in a future release ?

Sure. (Unless you're an OpenShift Container Platform customer, in which
case you should file an RFE through Support.)

-- Dan

> Jocelyn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Winship <d...@redhat.com> 
> Sent: lundi, 4 février 2019 16:29
> To: Thode Jocelyn <jocelyn.th...@elca.ch>; dev@lists.openshift.redhat.com
> Subject: Re: Automatic Egress IPs across multiple subnets
> On 2/4/19 8:57 AM, Thode Jocelyn wrote:
>> oc patch hostsubnet node-1.dc1.com -p '{"egressCIDRs": [""]}'
>> oc patch hostsubnet node-2.dc2.com -p '{"egressCIDRs": [""]}'
>> oc patch netnamespace test -p '{"egressIPs":
>> ["",""]}'
> (So first off, this example is broken (the egressIPs you are assigning to the 
> namespace don't match the egressCIDRs you assigned to the nodes) but I assume 
> that's just because you changed the IPs before pasting into the email but you 
> forgot to change them in both places.)
>> However when we specify multiple IPs none are actually getting assigned.
>> We found this resolved issue:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1633574 that seems to 
>> point that the expected behavior is to not assign any ip.
>> As I understand it, right now if we want to use automatic Egress IPs 
>> we can only have one IP which is this correct ?
> You can't have multiple IPs per namespace when using the "fully-automatic" 
> mode where egress IPs are automatically assigned to nodes based on 
> egressCIDRs.
> But you can do it if you use the "semi-automatic" mode where you assign 
> egress IPs to nodes by hand:
> oc patch hostsubnet node-1.dc1.com -p '{"egressIPs": [""]}'
> oc patch hostsubnet node-2.dc2.com -p '{"egressIPs": [""]}'
> oc patch netnamespace test -p '{"egressIPs":
> ["",""]}'
> in that case, the "test" namespace would use the IP on
> node-1 whenever it was available, but would fall back to the
> IP on node2 if node1 became inaccessible.
> We didn't think about the case of multiple zones in the fully-automatic 
> case... This *could* in theory be made to work, but it doesn't now.
> -- Dan

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