
        OpenShift ansible tag: openshift-ansible-3.11.152-1
        Ansible: 2.7.13

I’m trying to install metrics using NFS as the storage back-end and, although 
the NFS export and PVC is created, it’s not creating the underlying PV, 
preventing the hawular-cassandra pod from starting.

Incidentally, everything’s fine with an NFS-based registry. Its export gets 
created along with the PV and PVC.

I see a registry-volume PV but no metrics-volume.

This may be a red-herring but when I look at the playbooks I can see the 
registry variable being used (openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_size) 
but I cannot see the metrics variable being used anywhere 

        $ grep openshift_metrics_storage_volume_size `find . -name "*.yml"`

In my inventory my registry variables (which work) look like this…

        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_kind: nfs
        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_access_modes: ['ReadWriteMany']
        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_nfs_directory: /nfs1
        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_nfs_options: '*(rw,root_squash)'
        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_name: registry
        openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_size: 200Gi

…and the metrics variables look like this...

        openshift_metrics_install_metrics: yes
        openshift_metrics_storage_kind: nfs
        openshift_metrics_storage_access_modes: ['ReadWriteOnce']
        openshift_metrics_storage_nfs_directory: /exports
        openshift_metrics_storage_nfs_options: '*(rw,root_squash)'
        openshift_metrics_storage_volume_name: metrics
        openshift_metrics_storage_volume_size: 40Gi
        openshift_metrics_storage_labels: [{'storage': 'metrics'}]

Have I missed something for this to work?

If metrics is broken for NFS I’ll create an issue on the openshift-ansible repo.

Alan Christie

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