On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 03:12:51AM +0100, Josh Branning wrote:
> >I strongly urge other developers to make their opinions known as to
> >where the line should be drawn.
> Probably a consensus needs to be reached about
> Whether it's ...
> 1) OK or NOT OK to include non-free assets.

Not OK

>  ... and ...
> 2) OK or NOT OK to link to non-free assets.

Only ok if the "link" is user configurable. That way if it is a fully automatic
pull (assets from not.freegame.com are pulled as soon as the program is run).
We could just patch the config file to point to example.com (probably causing
the progam to crash out. because, you know... who needs sanity checks) If the
user then changes it back to not.freegame.com. It is clearly their choice.

If the link is not configurable but also not automatic (say an IAP) then this
is a grey area as it would be the users choice to activate that.. but It may be
unclear to the user that what is linked to in not free.

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