On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 12:18:31 +0100 Ryan wrote:
> I am on the management committee of this provider
> Webarch provides all sorts of hosting
> I'm not sure if
> webarch can or can not provide what you need or what the costing
> would be like

if you are on the management committee, then why would you not know of
you can help or not - wouldnt the management committee be the very ones
to make that determination?

at this point, we are asking for sponsorship offers; that means what
"the costing would be like", is: "zero" - the one thing we can offer is
to sport a logo for the sponsor organization and link to it's web
site on the parabola front page; and for that reason, we would prefer a
libre-conscious sponsor - please do make that offer if you can, and it
will be considered

we are not yet at a point of desperation where it would be imperative
to send out explicit pleas to hosting companies - if your organization
were to offer to sponsor parabola, the main concern i see, is that the
organization seems to be less than 6 months old; so there is not much
assurance that the organization will still exist in 6 months from now -
this is a situation we should want not to be in again for another 6
years - i dont think that parabola has ever in the past asked for
anything from the community, other than bug reports; and we dont want
to make a habit of it
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