I did it with a chromebook c200 and I think the manipulation is about the same for the c201.

To access the mmc memory, you have to install a new bios ^^' The one from google won't allow it. Here's a good tutorial with more information: https://www.maketecheasier.com/replace-chromebook-bios/

To summarize:

1- Activate "developer mode"
2- Disable "memory lock" (most of the chromebook partitions are "read only") 3- Flash the BIOS for something that allow what you want (personally I use the one from johnlewis [https://johnlewis.ie/] ) 4- Profits (Now install anything you want. Now lsblk command will return all the mmc drives on any good linux distribution).

Good luck !

On Mon, 28 Jan, 2019 at 3:27 AM, Lee Strobel <leestro...@disroot.org> wrote:

My name is Lee and I'm new to this mailing list (and Parabola). I'm a
big fan of free software. I've been using Trisquel for several years,
but thought I would try out Parabola, as I like the idea of the rolling
release package model.

Anyway, I recently bought a second-hand Chromebook C201, as I noticed
that Parabola now supports it. So far, I have installed Arch on an
external micro SD card, and it seems to boot up fine (I am going to
migrate it to Parabola soon, but haven't made that step just yet).
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had any luck installing on the
internal eMMC?

I haven't tried it myself yet. So far, I haven't been able to get the
existing paritions to mount in Arch. If I do 'fdisk -l' on it, it tells
me the primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup is ok. However, if
I try to use fdisk to repair the partition table, it gives me an i/o
error. Has anyone else come across that? I haven't yet tried to create
a new partition table.

I'd be interested to follow any developments on using GNU/Linux on this
Chromebook. Seems like a really nice, modern little machine :-)



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