On Fri, 29 May 2020 21:59:27 -0300
Freemor <free...@freemor.ca> wrote:

> I'd be really good to get input from the other distros on this RFC
> before any actual zooming ahead as they may have their own ideas that
> need to be synthesised with this one. 
I've not looked at it personally, but we have this issue as well in
Replicant. Dllud and Grim Kriegor knows more about it. They also did
several presentations on that topic[1].

Many free software Android application depends on Webview which is
built on top of Chromium.

Given that we are super late on our work on Replicant >= 9, probably due
to various personal issues, we don't have the resources to address that
from Replicant right now.

If I remember well, the plan from our side, was not to try to free
chromium at all: Google's plan for that browser are most probably
incompatible with our values (privacy, not tied to Google services in
any way, etc).

So the plan was to work instead, with funding from NLnet, to use
GeckoView to create an implementation that is somewhat ABI compatible
with Webview, in order to enable some of the applications to work

The advantage is that projects like the tor-browser already work with
Mozilla to upstream patches in Firefox.  So we would have a better
probability of being able to work with upstream in the case of Mozilla
than Chromium or Chrome.



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