the wiki need to be updated then


# pacstrap /mnt networkmanager
so that would need to become
# pacstrap /mnt networkmanager networkmanager-openrc

but it would be better if the nonsystend/networkmanager had the
init script package in it's depends=() - probably everyone who
installs nonsystend/networkmanager wants the init scripts - for
that matter, as it is a tiny package, wouldn't it make the most
sense to put the init scripts directly in the
nonsystend/networkmanager package?

the install guide also makes this note:

> Note, however, that essential services are enabled by default
> (e.g. dbus, elogind, opensysusers and opentmpfiles).

is it possible to enable a service ('dbus') automatically, if
the init scripts are not installed?


> but dbus from [nonsystemd] has its init script already.

> If the package was installed from Nonsystemd, it's likely to have its init 
> script already installed. Core packages, like elogind and dbus, have those 
> services installed and enabled by default. 

also, what happened to the 'openrc-desktop' package group? the
wiki still suggests installing it

> one can install the openrc-desktop package group to get most software and its 
> init scripts needed for desktop environments: 
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