#rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-07-25

Meeting started by amoralej at 15:00:48 UTC.  The full logs are

Meeting summary

* roll-call  (amoralej, 15:01:04)

* Rocky GA is approaching - status of preparation tasks  (amoralej,
  * https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html  (amoralej,
  * tracker card in
    (amoralej, 15:05:03)
  * ACTION: maintainers should send reviews required for rocky,
    requirements updates and so on  (amoralej, 15:06:29)
  * use topic rocky-branching for reviews related to Rocky release
    preparation  (amoralej, 15:08:55)
  * ACTION: amoralej to send a mail to dev@ about rocky preparation
    (amoralej, 15:11:03)

* Rocky M3 Test Days next week 2-3 August  (amoralej, 15:12:34)
  * LINK:
    (dmsimard, 15:17:00)
  * ACTION: leanderthal to send a mail about test days preparation
    (amoralej, 15:21:12)

* Happy Birthday, OpenStack!  (amoralej, 15:27:33)
  * if you're keen to celebrate OpenStack's 8th, grab some cake and join
    a recorded blue jeans session with me BEFORE 27 JULY 1200 UTC
    (amoralej, 15:28:32)
  * reach out to leanderthal on irc #rdo to let her know when works best
    for you!  (amoralej, 15:28:55)
  * PagliaccisCloud and leanderthal will put together a video of all the
    messages to be posted on youtube  (amoralej, 15:29:07)

* next week's chair  (amoralej, 15:38:35)
  * ACTION: amoralej to chair next week  (amoralej, 15:41:39)

* open floor  (amoralej, 15:41:44)

Meeting ended at 15:44:57 UTC.

Action items, by person

* amoralej
  * amoralej to send a mail to dev@ about rocky preparation
  * amoralej to chair next week
* leanderthal
  * leanderthal to send a mail about test days preparation

People present (lines said)

* amoralej (61)
* leanderthal (37)
* drdanick27 (5)
* number80 (5)
* openstack (5)
* pabelanger (3)
* misc (3)
* PagliaccisCloud (2)
* dmsimard (2)
* EmilienM (2)
* Duck (1)

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