Ask OpenStack has these updates, please have a look:

   - glance tags or properties missing when status changed to active
    (1 rev)
   - do i just add on more servers/services after the minimal deployment
    (new question)
   - A valid trait must be no longer than 255 characters, start with the
   prefix \"CUSTOM_\" and use following characters
    (new question, 1 ans, 1 ans rev)
   - OpenStack router can't reach the Controller host
    (new question)
   - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'COMPUTE_NODE'
    (new question, 2 ans, 2 ans rev)
   - DHCP is not answering on OVS
    (new question, 1 ans, 1 ans rev)
   - Possibility to upgrade Queens release directly to future release
    (new question, 1 ans, 1 ans rev)

As always, thanks so much for being a part of the RDO Community!

K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source Program Office
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