#rdo: RDO Meeting 2021-03-03

Meeting started by spotz at 14:03:45 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Roll Call  (spotz, 14:04:00)

* Preparation for Wallaby GA  (spotz, 14:04:49)
  * Trello Card for release has been created  (spotz, 14:05:58)
  * https://trello.com/c/zWyGr6C8/755-wallaby-release-preparation
    (amoralej, 14:06:00)
  * Next week or so start working in DLRN instance  (spotz, 14:07:02)

* C8S update  (spotz, 14:09:04)
  * Have started pushing Victoria in official repos  (spotz, 14:09:48)
  * get Python3 RPMs in Fedora first before Wallaby GA  (spotz,
  * this is for client librries  (spotz, 14:12:32)

* Open FLoor  (spotz, 14:15:09)
  * do we want to just abandon this oldd patch -
    https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/28218/  (spotz, 14:15:26)

Meeting ended at 14:18:21 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* spotz (14)
* openstack (4)
* rdogerrit (2)
* amoralej (1)
* rh-jelabarre (1)
* ykarel (0)
* jcapitao (0)
* jpena (0)

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