On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 10:40:39PM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> So, we've been chatting about Continuous Integration… I didn't know
> before about this: https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/ — fully FLO CI
> designed for GitLab… is there a chance we could use that?

The free version seems to only work for projects on gitlab.com. I can
sign in, but since I have no projects on gitlab.com I can't do

This is analagous to having free* Travis CI on Github, which is also no
use to us.

Travis! <-- needs Github
Gitlab CI! <-- needs Gitlab

You see the pattern.

*IF* the person running git.gnu.io set up a local instance of Gitlab
CI, we could use that. Or they could set up any other CI system. Or we
could set one up ourselves.

If we're going to set up one ourselves, it makes sense to use bake,
contributing any necessary features back to the project as they arise.
I say that with no greater rationale than "it is also written in
Haskell". Really, if *anyone* makes *any* CI available to our project,
that would be rad.

The hard requirements are:

1. Is triggered by HTTP POST requests.
2. For merge requests, it checks out master, merges the request
branch, runs tests, and reports results.
3. It logs each attempt somewhere accessible.

Ideally, the reporting would be *right in the merge request*, as it is
with Travis on Github. It's actually possible this could be done
without modifying Gitlab, if the CI system could write comments on the
MR's discussion.

* Only free as in beer, of course: "Testing your open source project
  is 10000% free. Seriously. Always."

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