Patch review time!

On Sun, Aug 02, 2015 at 11:26:14PM +0300, wrote:
> From: fr33domlover <>
> +import qualified Data.Text              as T
> +import           Network.Libravatar     (avatarUrl)

You are correct to follow the style already in the file, but it's not a
good idea to line up the `as X` or (foo, bar, baz) stuff. If someone
imports a really long module, the alignment of the entire import list
will be affected, thus polluting a diff. `qualified` is of constant
length, so lining up against `qualified` is okay.

> +    let libravatar email = avatarUrl (Left email) False Nothing Nothing
> +    avatarFinal <- liftIO $
> +        case (userAvatar user, userEmail user, userEmail_verified user) of
> +            (Just url, _, _)            -> return $ Just url
> +            (Nothing, Just email, True) -> do
> +                murl <- libravatar $ T.unpack email
> +                return $ murl >>= return . fromString

I am entirely sure this last line can be written more clearly. How about

    return (Just (fromString murl))

> +            _                           -> return Nothing

Same thing here with aligning delimiters against variable-width blocks
of text. Overall, this is how I would write it

     avatarFinal <- liftIO $
         case (userAvatar user, userEmail user, userEmail_verified user) of
             (Just url, _, _) -> return (Just url)
             (Nothing, Just email, True) -> do
                 murl <- libravatar $ T.unpack email
                 return $ Just (fromString url)
             _ -> return Nothing

That's all the commentary I have

Peter Harpending

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