On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 08:17:07AM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 09/14/2016 08:13 AM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 07:40:25AM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> >> I can't run Snowdrift, I get:
> >>
> >> # stack (for .stack-work)
> >> Snowdrift-0.1.4: unregistering (dependencies changed)
> >> Error when running Shake build system:
> >> * test
> >> * .stack-work
> >> Build system error - expected a file, got a directory:
> >>   Directory:  .stack-work
> >> Probably due to calling 'need' on a directory. Shake only permits 'need'
> >> on files.
> > 
> > Humph.
> > 
> > I never merged the new tool,
> > https://git.snowdrift.coop/sd/snowdrift/merge_requests/18, because it
> > didn't seem fully baked.
> > 
> > The solution to your problem is probably to run "stack build" before
> > anything else. Coincidentally, that's one of the rough edges of the
> > new tool, too, if my comment on the MR is to be believed.
> > 
> > 
> I did `stack clean` and then `rm -rf .stack-work/` then `stack build`
> and when I ran `.sdb.hs test` I still got the Shake error.

Oh, I see. Yes, I can confirm that.

To be honest, my workflow has been the following:

    $ ./sdb.hs start
    $ source <(./sdb.hs env)
    $ <stack commands, or psql/database commands>

Sourcing the output of "./sdb.hs env" sets up the environment so all
following commands connect to the local database.

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