Hello Carsten,

After publishing my article, several unreasonable news appeared on the Internet. That's why, I'd like to note that in my article I didn’t write about the bad/good quality of Tizen code or that PVS-Studio analyzer is magic, best of the best. I only gave those numbers that I’d got. I can't talk about the quality of Tizen code, since I have insufficient data for this purpose. I understand clearly what you are talking about and agree with you.

My objective was to show that despite the already used techniques, PVS-Studio analyzer can help to make Tizen code better and more reliable. As I think, I managed to demonstrate this by pointing to the 900 fragments of code, which, in my opinion, deserve attention, fixing and refactoring.

Unfortunately, the question "Include this as a bugs per 1 k lines of code or similar metric?" is not very clear.

In my opinion, the article presents all the necessary data. I've got:

 * The density of detected errors in code (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics:
   0.41 errors on 1000 lines of code.
 * The density of detected errors in the third-party libraries: 0.36
   errors on 1000 lines of code.

(I did not consider comments as the lines of code).

Can these data be incorrect? Yes, they can. This is not a scientific research, this is a demonstration on practice that the tool may be useful.

Moreover, some errors, in Tizen developers’ opinion, canbe not that erroneous. Well, at least, there is no sense to fix them. Then the density of detected errors will diminish.

On the other hand, I might highlight not all the errors. I approached to the study of the report very carefully, but without bigotry. For example, I was a bit lazy to study the warnings V730 - https://www.viva64.com/en/w/V730/. This is a very time consuming and thankless work, when you work with someone else's code. All the time it is unclear, if it is dangerous or not, that some class member has been left uninitialized. It is a tedious long labour that needs to be done carefully. So, perhaps, with more careful reviewing of the log, other errors can be found.

About the comparison with the quality of other projects... Difficult question. I ask to understand, that while writing the articles we don’t have the aim to compare which code is better or worse.Therefore, we usually stop when found enough of quite interesting bugs for writing an article. Performing the careful analysis of all warnings for a large project will take a lot of time. I also ask to consider that it is difficult and long to deal with unknown code. Therefore, we sometimes mention about density of errors only for small projects, since is not very difficult to view the whole report. Examples:

 * Notepad++: we detect about 2 errors per 1000 lines of code.
 * Far Manager for Linux: we detect about 0.464 errors per 1000 lines
   of code. https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0478/
 * Tor project: we do not find anything. Density
   0.https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0507/ <https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0507/>

As we can see, the results are different. However, it seems to me they are not worth to concentrate on. Static analyzer is a tool of finding bugs in fresh code. Yes, old mistakes are also worth to be fixed, but generally they are not as critical as new ones. Actually, if the error is in the code for several years,it means that it rarely reveals itself or interferes no one. That’s why it is interesting to look to the future rather than the past. Sure, the PVS-Studio analyzer can be a good assistant for a programmer.

About the percent of false positives. It makes no sense to talk about them without first configuring the analyzer. It's a lot of work, which we are ready to engage, if a cooperation begins someday. Can we deal with it? Yes, we can:


I think when it comes to projects of such a large size as Tizen, it makes sense to speak not only on product licensing, but also on a great support, carried out by our team.

P.S. On Monday I will demonstrate that the analyzer can be useful not only for finding bugs, but also regarding micro-optimizations. :)

Best regards,
Andrey Karpov, Microsoft MVP,
Ph.D. in Mathematics, CTO
"Program Verification Systems" Co Ltd.

On 14.07.2017 4:35, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 14:26:35 +0300
Andrey Karpov <kar...@viva64.com> wrote:

Could you:

1. Include this as a bugs per 1k lines of code or similar metric? Total
bugs is not that useful without knowing total size of code looked at.
At least in the summary.
2. Include metrics calculated similarly for other major projects (Linux
kernel, etc. etc.).

Why? The below is like saying "you're doing 120km/h!!!!!!" ... but if
it's on a freeway and the speed limit is 130km/h ... in context it's
very different. This here lacks context.

As I haven't used PVS studio before (it's on a list of things to try
out and see if it's good), but I do know Coverity's scan service very
well, I'll do some back of a napkin numbers:

1. In my experience about ~10-15% of bugs are false positives etc. with
2. Coverity says Linux kernel gets 0.48 issues peer 1k lines of code.
applying the above false positive rate, let's call that 0.40. Qt gets
0.72, so lets call that 0.61 adjusting for false positives. Glib gets
0.45, so 0.38 accounting for false positives. So:

With your numbers, Tizen sees 900 issues in 2.4 million lines of code.
that comes out at 0.38.

    Linux kernel = 0.40
    Qt           = 0.61
    Glib         = 0.38
    Tizen        = 0.38

Yes PVS studio is a different tool to coverity. I'm making an
assumption (much like you do too in many ways) that these two tools are
in the same ballpark and will report similar issues and numbers, but
may be disjoint sets. I'm going with this assumption because you didn't
provide other numbers to go by, and it'd be nice to.

My conclusion is that Tizen code quality is pretty decent in the scheme
of things. It's bug rate is pretty low-ish.

Now on the other side, it';s always great to have tools point out
possible errors. Another tool is another weapon in a war chest to
improve code quality. That's a good thing. Bugs should be looked into
and addressed accordingly based on actual severity and context. just
blindly fixing issues will result in misallocation of time and
resources because it may be an issue in a debug tool that is rarely
used and only for gathering quick information by a developer when
something goes wrong... it may be a seriously exploitable bug in code
that is always able to be triggered remotely. So context is important.
Knowing issues are there and what a tool thinks they are is a great
speedup vs full code review. PVS Studio is indeed such a tool. There
are others too. We have tools of our own we're using more and more.

Hello All,

This article will demonstrate that during the development of large
projects static analysis is not just a useful, but a completely
necessary part of the development process. This article is the first
one in a series of posts, devoted to the ability to use PVS-Studio
static analyzer to improve the quality and reliability of the Tizen
operating system. For a start, I checked a small part of the code of
the operating system (3.3%) and noted down about 900 warnings
pointing to real errors. If we extrapolate the results, we will see
that our team is able to detect and fix about 27000 errors in Tizen.
Using the results of the conducted study, I made a presentation for
the demonstration to the Samsung representatives with the offers
about possible cooperation. The meeting was postponed, that is why I
decided not to waste time and transform the material of the
presentation to an article: https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0519/

Best regards,
Andrey Karpov, Microsoft MVP,
Ph.D. in Mathematics, CTO
"Program Verification Systems" Co Ltd.

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