I'm in favor of store the docs in main repo, while put seldom changed
frameworks in website repo. I think you already mentioned the reason here (as
the Documentation grows and changes from version to version it would be
better to store it in the more regularly updated repo).

What I saw is that Spark put all the docs with version separated in here (
https://github.com/apache/spark-website/tree/asf-site/site/docs). So that
user could check docs with right version. I think in Livy we could also
maintain a such folder to put each release version's doc here (either
manually or by script). As for now (because we don't have a release) we
could create an "unreleased" folder to maintain docs in master branch, also
sync the docs periodically if anything changed.

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 4:48 AM, Alex Bozarth <ajboz...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hey Team
> Jerry and I have been discussing (on my recent PR) where we should keep the
> Livy Documentation files as we move them out of the README. My PR
> originally moved the two Doc files (on the REST and Programmatic APIs) into
> the livy website repos so we can display them via the website. Jerry
> proposed that we keep them in the main livy repo like how Spark does it.
> Personally given we have just two files I think leaving them in the website
> repo is simplier for us, but I also understand that as the Documentation
> grows and changes from version to version it would be better to store it in
> the more regularly updated repo.
> What are everyone's opinions on where the Docs should be stored? If we
> decide to store them in the main repo does anyone have pointers on how to
> simply and cleanly sync them to the website for viewing. You can see my
> Documenation and README update PRs here:
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-livy/pull/21
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-livy-website/pull/5
>  Alex Bozarth
>  Software Engineer
>  Spark Technology Center
>  E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com
>  GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth
>                                                                    505
> Howard Street
>                                                              San
> Francisco, CA 94105
>  United States

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