Hey all,

I'd like to gauge people's reaction to some proposals regarding what
is supported in Livy.

#1: Java versions

I propose dropping support for Java 7. Even J8 is already EOL,
although it's pretty obvious nobody is getting rid of it anytime soon.
But I don't see a good reason to support J7. Even testing it is a
nuisance, since most people only have jdk8 around...

#2: Spark versions

I think we should drop 1.6. At least. This would clean up some code
that currently uses reflection, and fix some parts of the API (like
the JobContext method to retrieve a "SparkSession" instance).

Changing the API is well, not backwards compatible, but I think it's
better to do that sort of cleanup earlier than later when the project
is more mature.

Separately, we could consider dropping 2.0 and 2.1 also. There was
talk in the Spark list about making 2.1 EOL - I don't remember a final
verdict, but I don't imagine there will be a lot of new deployments of
2.1 going forward, since the only reason to use it is if you're stuck
with J7.

#3: Scala versions

If we decide to only support Spark 2.2+, then the decision is easy.
But if we drop 1.6, we should consider dropping Scala 2.10 support.
Spark does not ship official builds with 2.10 support in the 2.x line,
and it was dropped altogether in 2.2.

We shouldn't remove support for multiple versions of Scala, though,
since 2.12 will be beta in Spark 2.4, and there will be a 2.13 at some



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