Potentially - it was quite finicky to get running.  Depending on how
much access there is, it may not be feasible, as there are other
dependencies needed to build.  From master, you need not only all of
the autotools, but also APR in order to compile.  It should be
possible to simply build APR in the local directory, but if some other
dependency is missing it quickly becomes out of hand.

-Robert Middleton

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can we get that Jenkins job set up on builds.a.o?
> On 20 April 2017 at 19:48, Robert Middleton <osfan6...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A few months ago, I took a look at the release for log4cxx and tried
>> to get it to work properly; I didn't have much luck at the time, but
>> I've taken another look at it recently and I think that I have got it
>> working.
>> It's rather ugly, since the POM at this point is only used to call out
>> to autotools in order to build the project, but it does seem to
>> properly create the release.  It's not a fully automated system, as
>> the download links would have to be updated before the release is
>> made, the site doesn't get uploaded automatically(I'm not sure how
>> Thorsten updates it now, so that may be broken), and the version that
>> is in the pom.xml has to be manually updated to match with what is in
>> configure.ac.
>> I have it setup on my Jenkins server in order to make sure that it
>> works: http://jenkins.rm5248.com/job/log4cxx/35/
>> The way that the project is setup, it actually creates a new VM for
>> each build that it does to ensure that the environment is clean.
>> Since I generally only care about Debian packaging, what I generally
>> do is to actually just build the the package in a pbuilder
>> environment, which is essentially the same.  It doesn't work in this
>> case, because log4cxx can't be built as a debian package as-is.
>> -Robert Middleton
> --
> Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>

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