> On 6 Sep 2017, at 15:03, Dominik Psenner <dpsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2017-09-06 14:17, Oskar Gewalli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Perhaps it would be better to create a dedicated library to just the log4net 
>> xml parsing? The GUI and CLI tools could then depend on that package.
>> Since the log parsing parts are much smaller and not very special.
> I don't have the insights to be able to comment on this. Would you please 
> explain the main difference between chainsaw, log2console and 
> log4net-logviewer?

The main benefit of using log4net-logviewer is to use the logparsing abilities 
to be able to aggregate and do log statistics from the raw logs.   

The GUI and CLI bits can potentially be removed, since there are already 
chainsaw and log2console. 

>> Best regards from Oskar
>>> On 6 Sep 2017, at 13:54, Dominik Psenner <dpsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Oskar,
>>> log4net-logviewer is a tool that includes both a command line and a ui 
>>> frontend written in wpf/xaml that both can parse logfiles and provide users 
>>> a better view on log events. According to the readme this is a alternative 
>>> to log2console and chainsaw. I don't like it to have multiple tools that do 
>>> the same thing. Would you please explain the main differences between the 
>>> projects?
>>> I further noticed that there are at least a few legal issues like unclear 
>>> licensing that would definitely prevent the adoption of the project. 
>>> Further I see no personal interest to take over the maintenance of more 
>>> projects as that would definitely exceed the spare time I have available. 
>>> Therefore it would be great if we could merge the communities to gain a 
>>> larger community to maintain all of these projects.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dominik
>>> On 2017-09-06 12:49, Oskar Gewalli wrote:
>>>> We currently have a project on github that might be better if it's under 
>>>> the stewardship of apache (since apache owns log4net)
>>>> https://github.com/wallymathieu/log4net-logviewer/issues/7#issuecomment-327421829
>>>> <https://github.com/wallymathieu/log4net-logviewer/issues/7#issuecomment-327421829>
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Best regards from Oskar Gewalli

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