I see that several modules depends on javax:javaee-api. Is that necessary? It should only be necessary in log4j-catalog-jpa, right?

I see that log4j-catalog-api and log4j-catalog-git depends on javax:javaee-api and on Spring Framework. It would be better if those modules didn't.

On 2017-09-06 22:00, Ralph Goers wrote:
Thanks, I will look at JavaPoet and see if it makes things any simpler.

Only the web app and rest service depend on Spring. At this point it is a 

What JavaEE stuff?

The catalog-war project is a user interface for editing the catalog. When I 
start creating documents I will take screen shots to document it. It is about 
95% complete. Ironically, the one piece that is missing is the button to 
persist the catalog back to git.


On Sep 6, 2017, at 12:49 PM, Mikael Ståldal <mi...@apache.org> wrote:

I had a quick look. Some comments:

* You might want to use the JavaPoet library to generate Java source code, it 
is Apache-licensed, available on Maven central and has no transitive 
dependencies: https://github.com/square/javapoet

* Some users might not like to depend on Spring Framework.

* Some users might not like to depend on JavaEE stuff.

* Is the catalog.json supposed to be written/edited by hand?

On 2017-09-03 04:21, Ralph Goers wrote:
I just pushed the initial commit of Log4j Audit. It is by no means “done” but I 
am using it to perform some audit logging In a production environment. 
Unfortunately, the next major item I need to work on is the documentation. 
Right now there isn’t any, so it is going to be pretty difficult for you to 
understand what it is doing.
All that said, please feel free to take a look.

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