This is a vote to release Log4j 2.11.1, the next version of the Log4j 2 project.

Please download, test, and cast your votes on the log4j developers list.
[] +1, release the artifacts
[] -1, don't release because...

The vote will remain open for 72 hours (or more if required). All votes are 
welcome and we encourage everyone to test the release, but only Logging PMC 
votes are “officially” counted. As always, at least 3 +1 votes and more 
positive than negative votes are required.

Changes in this release include:

Fixed Bugs

        • LOG4J2-2389: ThrowableProxy was saving and retrieving cache entries 
using different keys. Thanks to Liu Wen.
        • LOG4J2-2316: If root LoggerConfig does not have a Level return ERROR.
        • LOG4J2-2390: Fix broken links in log4j web documentation. Thanks to 
        • LOG4J2-2343: The OSGi Activator specified an incorrect version. 
Thanks to Raymond Augé.
        • LOG4J2-2305: Make java.util.ServiceLoader properly work in OSGi by 
using the Service Loader Mediator Specification. Thanks to Björn Kautler.
        • LOG4J2-2305: Split the SLF4J binding into 2 implementations - one for 
SLF4J 1.7.x and one for SLF4J 1.8+.
        • LOG4J2-2268: Improve plugin error message when elements are missing. 
Thanks to Tilman Hausherr.
        • LOG4J2-2283: ParserConfigurationException when using Log4j with 
oracle.xml.jaxp.JXDocumentBuilderFactory. Thanks to Vishnu Priya Matha.
        • LOG4J2-2300: PoolingDriverConnectionSource does not take into account 
properties, user name, and password.
        • LOG4J2-2307: MutableLogEvent and RingBufferLogEvent message mementos 
retain the original format string.
        • LOG4J2-2032: Curly braces in parameters are not treated as 
placeholders. Thanks to Kostiantyn Shchepanovskyi.
        • LOG4J2-2317: MutableLogEvent.getNonNullImmutableMessage and 
Log4jLogEvent.makeMessageImmutable retain format and parameters.
        • LOG4J2-2318: Messages are no longer mutated when the asynchronous 
queue is full. A warning is logged to the status logger instead.
        • LOG4J2-2320: Fix NPE in AbstractLogger when another exception is 
thrown, masking the root cause.
        • LOG4J2-2321: AsyncLogger uses the correct level when unspecified. 
This provides parity between AsyncLogger and Logger.
        • LOG4J2-2322: Custom ContextSelector implementations which select an 
AsyncLoggerContext disable LoggerConfig.includeLocation by default for parity 
with AsyncLoggerContextSelector.
        • LOG4J2-2269: MutableLogEvent references to other objects are cleared 
after each use. Fix a memory leak causing references to parameters to be held 
after synchronous logging with thread locals enabled.
        • LOG4J2-2301: Mixed async loggers no longer forget parameter values, 
providing some appenders with an array of nulls.
        • LOG4J2-2331: RollingFileManager debug logging avoids string 
concatenation and errant braces in favor of parameterized logging. Thanks to 
Mike Baranski.
        • LOG4J2-2333: Handle errors thrown in default disruptor 
ExceptionHandler implementations to avoid killing background threads.
        • LOG4J2-2334: Add API 
        • LOG4J2-2336: Remove duplicate hyphen from the AsyncLoggerConfig 
background thread name.
        • LOG4J2-2347: Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.16.1 to 1.17.
        • LOG4J2-2352: RingBufferLogEvent memento messages provide the expected 
format string, and no longer attempt to substitute parameters into curly braces 
in parameter toString values. Both RingBufferLogEvent and MutableLogEvent 
memento implementations memoize results to avoid rebuilding formatted string 
        • LOG4J2-2355: PropertiesUtil ignores non-string system properties. 
Fixes a NoClassDefFoundError initializing StatusLogger caused by an NPE while 
initializing the static PropertiesUtil field. Thanks to Henrik Brautaset 
        • LOG4J2-2362: Fixed a memory leak in which ReusableObjectMessage would 
hold a reference to the most recently logged object.
        • LOG4J2-2312: Jackson layouts used with AsyncLoggerContextSelector 
output the expected format rather than only a JSON string of the message text.
        • LOG4J2-2364: Fixed a memory leak in which 
ReusableParameterizedMessage would hold a reference to the most recently logged 
throwable and provided varargs array.
        • LOG4J2-2368: Nested logging doesn't clobber AbstractStringLayout 
cached StringBuidlers
        • LOG4J2-2373: StringBuilders.escapeJson implementation runs in linear 
time. Escaping large JSON strings in EncodingPatternConverter and MapMessage 
will perform significantly better. Thanks to Kevin Meurer.
        • LOG4J2-2376: StringBuilders.escapeXml implementation runs in linear 
time. Escaping large XML strings in EncodingPatternConverter and MapMessage 
will perform significantly better. Thanks to Kevin Meurer.
        • LOG4J2-2377: NullPointerException in 
org.apache.logging.log4j.util.LoaderUtil.getClassLoaders() when using Bootstrap 
class loader. Thanks to Mirko Rzehak, Gary Gregory.
        • LOG4J2-2382: Update Mongodb 3 driver from 3.6.3 to 3.8.0.
        • LOG4J2-2388: Thread indefinitely blocked when logging a message in an 
interrupted thread. Thanks to Failled.


        • LOG4J2-1721: Allow composite configuration for context parameter. 
Thanks to Phokham Nonava.
        • LOG4J2-2302: Status logger should show the Log4j name and version 
when initializing itself.
        • LOG4J2-2304: Log4j2 2.8.2 JMX unregister NullPointerException. Thanks 
to wumengsheng.
        • LOG4J2-2311: Update Jackson from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5.
        • LOG4J2-2313: Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.7 to 3.4.2.
        • LOG4J2-548: Log4j 2.0 ERROR "Could not search jar" with JBoss EAP 
6.2. Thanks to Shehata, Paresh Varke, Eric Victorson, Martin Laforet.
        • LOG4J2-2328: Update JAnsi from 1.17 to 1.17.1.
        • LOG4J2-2351: Added AbstractLogEvent.getMutableInstant to allow the 
MutableInstant instance to be modified by classes extending AbstractLogEvent.
        • LOG4J2-2357: Update Jackson from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6.
        • LOG4J2-2358: Update Kafka client from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
        • LOG4J2-2384: Update Kafka client from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1.
        • LOG4J2-2385: Update Groovy from 2.4.13 to 2.5.1.
        • LOG4J2-2386: Update optional Apache Commons DBCP from 2.2.0 to 2.4.0.

a)  for a new copy do "git clone"; and then "git 
checkout tags/log4j-2.11.1-rc1” 
b) for an existing working copy to “git pull” and then “git checkout 

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