A request to integrate https://gitlab.com/thiesw/log4j2-Java6-extras 
<https://gitlab.com/thiesw/log4j2-Java6-extras> was made in one of the pull 
requests. This project targets Log4j 2.3.  According to Nexus 13% of the 
downloads last month were for 2.3.  So the questions are:
1. Do we want to incorporate this enhancement against 2.3?
2. Do we want to include it against master or release-2.x?
3. Do we want to fork the repo into an ASF repo and take ownership as a 
separate component?
4. If we include it against 2.3 are there other bug fixes that should be 
applied? I believe there might have been a security issue that was fixed in a 
later release so that would have to be incorporated.
5. Can we still perform a release against Java 6? I think my machine is still 
set up for it but it has been a long time since I tried.

If we do not want this component I have told the author that he can’t keep the 
package names as they are but I would hate to have him rename them if we would 
be taking it.


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