Update: I've added a 2.0.13 RC2 release at GitHub with the suggested 
modifications to release artifacts (source and binary zips). The released 
functionality remains unchanged.

On 2021/10/28 08:49:23, Davyd McColl <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Robert

Thanks for checking all these things and feeding back to me
1. SDK reference: I've linked in the older reference now, since the sdk hasn't 
changed, but this reminds me that I wanted to add building this to the release 
pipeline, and hadn't yet found a good generator - I'll put this on my TODO for 
the next time
2. I'll look into if I can pipe files into a container folder in the zip file 
(I'm using gulp-zip). If it's not a blocker, I can make this a TODO for next 
3. I'm not sure how to get my key into that file - I remember a signing party 
very long ago with Ralph and Matt and I don't know if there's something I need 
to do?

On 2021/10/28 00:12:18, Robert Middleton <rmiddle...@apache.org> wrote:
Two non-blocking notes:
- The 'SDK Reference' link on the staged site is a 404, I'm not sure
if that's intentional or not:
- For the zip files, it would probably be good to put everything in a
top-level folder and then zip that folder
up(apache-log4net-source-2.0.13). Extracting the zips would
potentially pollute your current directory, which may be unexpected.

Your key doesn't seem to be in the KEYS file for logging, so I can't
check that: https://www.apache.org/dist/logging/KEYS

-Robert Middleton

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 2:10 AM Davyd McColl
> Hi
> I'd like to raise a vote to release log4net 2.0.13
> - there's an rc up at GitHub with release notes: 
> https://github.com/apache/logging-log4net/releases/tag/rc%2F2.0.13
> - documentation is updated on staging: 
> https://logging.staged.apache.org/log4net/
> I do, however, require some assistance with getting the artifacts from the 
> GitHub release page to download.apache.org - if I'm able to do so, I don't 
> know how, so any assistance is appreciated.
> Once ratified, I will
> - publish to nuget.org
> - push documentation live
> Thanks
> -d

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