It seems to me that this would only work if a) there exists a stable
API/ABI for log4j and b) sufficient demand for the appenders exists.
If a stable API/ABI doesn't exist, then the new maintainers would be
on the hook for any changes that log4j made, which seems unreasonable
to me.

-Robert Middleton

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 2:40 PM Piotr P. Karwasz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 7 Jun 2022 at 20:17, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
> > * JDBC/JPA appenders -> ? (Eclipse Jakarta perhaps?)
> I would try EclipseLink, since Hibernate made their choice a long time ago.
> > * JMS appender (could go to ActiveMQ or Jakarta)
> An in-house collaboration with ActiveMQ seems more realistic.
> > * SMTP appender -> makybe Jakarta?
> Jakarta Mail has a stable API, we can keep this one.
> > For any plugins we're trying to move, if the upstream projects don't
> > want them, then those modules get EOL'd and removed for 3.x.
> I would settle for a list of maintainers from those projects that are
> willing to help, whenever they decide on breaking an API or to advise
> which version should be supported and which one can be dropped.
> Regarding `log4j-appserver`, the Jetty part is obsolete (does not work
> with Jetty 10) and the Tomcat part could be migrated to Tomcat. It's
> only one class, but there is also an old PR of mine that I closed in
> order not to pollu^wenrich Log4j2 with new external dependencies.
> Piotr

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