Great questions and I will address each one, hopefully later today.


On Mon, Oct 16, 2023, 7:38 AM Piotr P. Karwasz <>

> Hi all,
> While checking out the module descriptors of `3.x` I have some
> propositions of improvements to `log4j-jdbc` that I would like to run
> by you before creating the appropriate Github issues:
> 1. The `log4j-jdbc` module depends on the optional presence of
> `log4j-jndi`. Maybe we should split JNDI support into a
> `log4j-jdbc-jndi` artifact. This way users that do not use JNDI can be
> 100% certain that no JNDI code is present. Users that require JNDI
> have a single dependency to add (`log4j-jdbc-jndi`),
> 2. There are two ways to map event data to columns: ColumnConfig and
> ColumnMapping. It is unclear to me which way is the recommended one.
> Since we can perform breaking changes in 3.x, could we remove one of
> these methods?
> 3. Literal values are inserted AS-IS into the prepared statement. Java
> 9 introduced `Statement#enquoteLiteral`, maybe we should use it by
> default, so users are not required to quote the value themselves. We
> can provide an additional `quoteLiteral` attribute with a default of
> true, to allow users to add whatever they want to the prepared
> statement unquoted,
> 4. The appender itself is quite wasteful in the number of connections
> it uses (one per log message). IIRC JDBC connections are not
> thread-safe, but can be used from multiple threads if synchronization
> is provided. `AbstractDatabaseManager#write` provides such a
> synchronization. With the current connection usage pattern, the
> "DriverManager" connection source is basically useless.
> 5. We should consider integrating the JDBC pooling features with PR
> 1401:
> Piotr

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