Hello everybody,

I hope you're all doing well. As some of you might have noticed, we've been 
busy over the past few months. I want to ensure everyone's on the same page 
about what we've achieved and where we're heading.

I chose this weekly update format to ensure inclusivity, especially considering 
some of us are funded, but most are not. Our community is our greatest asset. 
"Community over code" is a principle that becomes more meaningful to me as time 
goes on.

Your participation, questions, and discussions are what make our community 
thrive. This format is still evolving, so your feedback is welcome. Feel free 
to let me know if you'd like to see anything done differently.

Kind regards,

Ongoing Work:

* Documentation Generation: 
    Progress in creating documentation for all Log4j components using Javadoc 
    comments. A preliminary version for generating an XML schema from plugin 
    descriptors is under review (PR#88). Expect Asciidoc documentation soon.

* Recycler API Update: 
    Efforts to replace ThreadLocal and similar constructs with recyclers, 
    initially used in JsonTemplateLayout, are underway in the main branch.
    Dependency Restructuring: Plans to remove JCTools as an optional dependency 
    from log4j-api and log4j-core. A new log4j-jctools module will be created.

* Artifact Versioning Scheme: 
    Introduction of a new changelog category, 
    “updated,” for dependency upgrades that won’t affect release types. 
    Release versioning will be determined by the nature of changes - 
    leading to minor releases, “removed” to major, and other changes resulting 
in patch releases.

Updates Outside Apache Logging Services:

* OpenRewrite Logging Frameworks: 
    Adoption of two recipes for code conversion from JCL and JUL to Log4j API, 
    with no SLF4J equivalent for the latter.

* Spotbugs Issue: 
    Problems encountered when no .class files are available for analysis.

* cyclonedx-maven-plugin: 
    Focus on generating deterministic serial numbers and supporting additional 
    external references on the main artifact.


* We have announced our partnership with the STF:

* We have recorded a Podcast (with Ralph, Piotr and Christian)
* We have prepared a blog post for the 20yrs anniversary, scheduled for Monday
* We have added Analytics:

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