Hi all,

As you are probably aware, `log4j-1.2-api` is the second largest
artifact we maintain. Yes, it is slightly larger than `log4j-api` and
twice the size of JTL.

This library is mainly used:

1. By some older frameworks/libraries that want to "help" users in
their logging configuration. The amount of code that depends on
`log4j-1.2-api` is usually measured in a dozen LoCs.
2. By some very old libraries that directly use Log4j 1.x for logging.
I know a thing or two about Java archeology, but I couldn't give you a
single example of such a library. The old legacy libraries I know
mostly use JCL as a logging interface.

Therefore I am wondering what should we do with this library in the
upcoming 3.0.0 release:

* should we drop it? The baseline of 3.0.0 is Java 17. Are there
really applications that use Java 17 and at the same time use
libraries that directly log to Log4j 1.x?
* should we drop most of the code and move the two Log4j 1.x
configuration factories to a new module?
* should we just set an end-of-life date for the artifact and include
it as it in Log4j 3.0.0?


[1] https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/issues/2395

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