
I scanned our https://logging.apache.org/ website and found out that
the internal hyperlinks between our pages are not consistent. For
example links to:


might appear in hyperlinks with an URI path of:

* `/log4j/2.x` (which causes a 301 HTTP redirect),
* `/log4j/2.x/`,
* `/log4j/2.x/index.html`.

This lack of uniformity can cause several problems:

* search engines might treat those 3 links as equivalent, but not necessarily.
* if an `index.html` file is moved, we need to provide a redirect for
all 3 alternatives: a recent example is
`/log4j/2.x/log4j-1.2-api/index.html` that was moved to
* for the rare people that actually look at the URL of a page, it
doesn't seem coherent.

So I would propose to adopt only one of the 3 alternatives and stick
to it as much as possible? Which one should we choose?

The simplest one (`/log4j/2.x/index.html`) does not require a Web
server and can be viewed locally and can be viewed using the `file:`
scheme in a browser. However I find it less elegant than
Antora is probably able to generate both versions through some
configuration option, so choosing `/log4j/2.x/` does not preclude the
possibility to generate a different version to check the web site

Another canonicalization we might apply regards trailing `.html`
extensions in the URL. The current website supports both:

* `/log4j2/log4j-api`,
* `/log4j2/log4j-api.html`.

through `mod_negotiation`. Should we use the version with a trailing
`.html` or without it? The `https://apache.org/` website hides the
`.html` extension in most the links.


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