This is a vote to release the Apache Log4j Tools `0.9.0` RC2.

Commit: 485e1823cd6f8ae581071e938608db21126a7af5
Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0

Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list.

[ ] +1, release the artifacts
[ ] -1, don't release, because...

This vote is open for 48 hours and will pass unless getting a
net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage
everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC
votes are officially counted. At least 3 +1 votes and more
positive than negative votes are required.

== Review kit

The minimum set of steps needed to review the uploaded distribution
files in the Subversion repository can be summarized as follows:

    # Check out the distribution
    svn co
&& cd $_

    # Verify checksums
    shasum --check *.sha512

    # Verify signatures
    wget -O - | gpg --import
    for sigFile in *.asc; do gpg --verify $sigFile; done

    # Verify reproduciblity
    umask 0022
    unzip * -d src
    cd src
    sh mvnw -Prelease verify artifact:compare -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO
    # If preferred, augment `mvnw` with `-DskipTests` to speed things up

== Addendum

Note that the vote period is 48 hours – 24 hours have already passed
since RC1 vote and there is only a single new commit added, see issue

== Release notes

This minor release contains small bug fixes and improvements.

=== Added

* Add `skip` parameter to all Maven goals (#121)
* Support multiple index and type templates in the
`log4j-docgen:generate-documentation` configuration (#122)
* Add support for the `@PluginValue` annotation (#123)

=== Changed

* Website is migrated to Antora (apache/logging-log4j2#2443)

=== Fixed

* Fix handling of subclassed plugins in Log4j Docgen (#120)

=== Updated

* Update `commons-io:commons-io` to version `2.16.1` (#114)
* Update `org.apache.logging:logging-parent` to version `11.0.0` (#115)
* Update `org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-annotations` to
version `3.13.0` (#118)
* Update `org.codehaus.modello:modello-maven-plugin` to version `2.4.0` (#119)
* Update `org.xmlunit:xmlunit-assertj3` to version `2.10.0` (#116)

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