This is similar to David Smiley's question on Feb 16th, but SuppressCodecs 
would be too broad of a solution, I think.

I'm using LuceneTestCase's newIndexWriterConfig, and I have a test that 
requires IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS.  The test 
passes quite often (famous last words), but I occasionally get an 
UnsupportedOperationException: this codec cannot index offsets.

Is there a way to have LuceneTestCase randomly select a codec (with particular 
subcomponents/configurations) that supports indexing offsets?

The codec that fails:

codec=Lucene46: {f1:MockVariableIntBlock(baseBlockSize=71)}, docValues:{}, ...

Most often, however Lucene46 does not fail.

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