Just had a situation where searching on a successfully indexed document
with a location type field errored out. It turns out that the problem was
the following:

1> the user removed the *_coordinate dynamic field definition
2> the user had the universal ignore dynamic field un-commented, as:
     <dynamicField name="*" type="ignored" multiValued="true" />

So, (and I'm guessing a bit here) the underlying code for adding the
lat/lon as location_1_coordinate and location_0_coordinate did its thing,
and then the document was successfully added to the index... by throwing
location_1_coordinate and location_0_coordinate on the floor. So of course
when he tried to use bbox (in an fq clause in this case) he got an error
message about requiring indexed fields to work from.

The long and short of it is whether it's worth opening a JIRA? Something
like "geospatial should check dynamic field definitions and fail if they
aren't properly defined"? If so, I''ll do it.


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