I have an index of about 30 million short strings, the index size is
about 3GB in disk
 I have give jvm 5gb memory with default setting in ubuntu 12.04 of sun jdk 7.
 When I use 20 theads, it's ok. But If I run 30 threads. After a
while. The jvm is doing nothing but gc.
  lucene version si 4.10.0

  I use jmap -histo:live  and find so many
ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry. When with 20 threads, not so many
ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry. What's wrong with?

 1:      33770946     1080670272

   2:      33769230     1080615360

   3:           753      248541760

   4:          6046       28941064  [B

   5:           856       11564672  [J

   6:        178111        5717592  [C

   7:        177773        4266552  java.lang.String

   8:         81408        2676472  [Ljava.lang.Object;

   9:         13028        2586600  [I

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