> don't have such persistent issues on non nightly runs. Is it possible to
> ignore specified tests as BadApples or AwaitsFix but only for nightly runs?

Sure, that's what test group filtering was added for. It's interesting
that test-help doesn't show anything... ES has a more verbose info:

You can also filter tests by certain annotations ie:

  * `@Slow` - tests that are know to take a long time to execute
  * `@Nightly` - tests that only run in nightly builds (disabled by default)
  * `@Integration` - integration tests
  * `@Backwards` - backwards compatibility tests (disabled by default)
  * `@AwaitsFix` - tests that are waiting for a bugfix (disabled by default)
  * `@BadApple` - tests that are known to fail randomly (disabled by default)

Those annotation names can be combined into a filter expression like:

mvn test -Dtests.filter="@nightly and not @slow"

to run all nightly test but not the ones that are slow. `tests.filter` supports
the boolean operators `and, or, not` and grouping ie:

mvn test -Dtests.filter="@nightly and not(@slow or @backwards)"

The same works for Lucene (-Dtests.filter=...), try it.


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