
2 tests failed.

Error Message:
Captured an uncaught exception in thread: Thread[id=4728, name=collection1, 
state=RUNNABLE, group=TGRP-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest]

Stack Trace:
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.UncaughtExceptionError: Captured an uncaught 
exception in thread: Thread[id=4728, name=collection1, state=RUNNABLE, 
Caused by: 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error 
from server at collection already exists: 
        at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([70084DC6BDC62AB3]:0)
        at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient.request(


Error Message:
Captured an uncaught exception in thread: Thread[id=78408, name=collection3, 
state=RUNNABLE, group=TGRP-HdfsCollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest]

Stack Trace:
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.UncaughtExceptionError: Captured an uncaught 
exception in thread: Thread[id=78408, name=collection3, state=RUNNABLE, 
Caused by: 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error 
from server at Could not find collection : 
        at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([70084DC6BDC62AB3]:0)
        at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient.request(

Build Log:
[...truncated 11161 lines...]
   [junit4] Suite:
   [junit4]   2> Creating dataDir: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347004 INFO  
(SUITE-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Randomized ssl (false) and clientAuth (true)
   [junit4]   2> 1347005 INFO  
(SUITE-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase Setting hostContext system property: /
   [junit4]   2> 1347015 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
   [junit4]   2> 1347016 INFO  (Thread-1889) [    ] o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer client 
   [junit4]   2> 1347016 INFO  (Thread-1889) [    ] o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer 
Starting server
   [junit4]   2> 1347116 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer start zk server on port:44979
   [junit4]   2> 1347136 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1347138 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/schema.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1347140 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/solrconfig.snippet.randomindexconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1347141 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/stopwords.txt
   [junit4]   2> 1347143 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/protwords.txt
   [junit4]   2> 1347144 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/currency.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1347145 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/enumsConfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1347147 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/open-exchange-rates.json
   [junit4]   2> 1347148 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt
   [junit4]   2> 1347150 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/old_synonyms.txt
   [junit4]   2> 1347151 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractZkTestCase put 
 to /configs/conf1/synonyms.txt
   [junit4]   2> 1347501 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Writing file to 
   [junit4]   2> 1347502 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.2.11.v20150529
   [junit4]   2> 1347504 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 1347505 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 1347505 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server Started @1350464ms
   [junit4]   2> 1347505 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: 
 hostContext=/, hostPort=55300, 
   [junit4]   2> 1347509 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init(): 
   [junit4]   2> 1347509 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347525 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrXmlConfig Loading container configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 1347531 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Config-defined core root directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347531 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer New CoreContainer 135345230
   [junit4]   2> 1347531 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Loading cores into CoreContainer 
   [junit4]   2> 1347531 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer loading shared library: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347531 WARN  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader Can't find (or read) directory to add to 
classloader: lib (resolved as: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347538 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory created with socketTimeout : 90000,urlScheme 
: ,connTimeout : 15000,maxConnectionsPerHost : 20,maxConnections : 
10000,corePoolSize : 0,maximumPoolSize : 2147483647,maxThreadIdleTime : 
5,sizeOfQueue : -1,fairnessPolicy : false,useRetries : false,
   [junit4]   2> 1347539 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateShardHandler Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347540 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.l.LogWatcher SLF4J impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
   [junit4]   2> 1347540 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.l.LogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
   [junit4]   2> 1347540 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkContainer Zookeeper client=
   [junit4]   2> 1347541 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkController zkHost includes chroot
   [junit4]   2> 1347563 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register node as live in 
   [junit4]   2> 1347566 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer (id=null) closing
   [junit4]   2> 1347566 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.LeaderElector Joined leadership election with 
path: /overseer_elect/election/94114705392861187-
   [junit4]   2> 1347567 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.OverseerElectionContext I am going to be the 
   [junit4]   2> 1347568 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer 
(id=94114705392861187- starting
   [junit4]   2> 1347573 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.OverseerAutoReplicaFailoverThread Starting 
OverseerAutoReplicaFailoverThread autoReplicaFailoverWorkLoopDelay=10000 
   [junit4]   2> 1347575 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Starting to work on the main queue
   [junit4]   2> 1347575 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.OverseerCollectionProcessor Process current 
queue of collection creations
   [junit4]   2> 1347584 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer No authentication plugin used.
   [junit4]   2> 1347584 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Security conf doesn't exist. 
Skipping setup for authorization module.
   [junit4]   2> 1347585 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Looking for core definitions 
   [junit4]   2> 1347586 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Created CoreDescriptor: 
{name=collection1, config=solrconfig.xml, transient=false, schema=schema.xml, 
 coreNodeName=, dataDir=data/, shard=}
   [junit4]   2> 1347586 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 1347586 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found 1 core definitions
   [junit4]   2> 1347587 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
publishing state=down
   [junit4]   2> 1347587 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
numShards not found on descriptor - reading it from system property
   [junit4]   2> 1347588 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
look for our core node name
   [junit4]   2> 1347593 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1347594 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter 
   [junit4]   2> 1347594 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init() 
   [junit4]   2> 1347595 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"down",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"} current state version: 0
   [junit4]   2> 1347595 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Update state numShards=1 
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"down",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"}
   [junit4]   2> 1347595 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ClusterStateMutator building a new cName: 
   [junit4]   2> 1347595 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Assigning new node to shard 
   [junit4]   2> 1348588 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
waiting to find shard id in clusterstate for collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1348589 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
Check for collection zkNode:control_collection
   [junit4]   2> 1348590 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
Collection zkNode exists
   [junit4]   2> 1348590 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1348608 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.Config loaded 
config solrconfig.xml with version 0 
   [junit4]   2> 1348615 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrConfig 
current version of requestparams : -1
   [junit4]   2> 1348622 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrConfig 
Using Lucene MatchVersion: 6.0.0
   [junit4]   2> 1348635 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.Config Loaded 
SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1348637 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema 
Reading Solr Schema from /configs/conf1/schema.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1348642 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema 
[collection1] Schema name=test
   [junit4]   2> 1348747 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Initialized with 
rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
   [junit4]   2> 1348755 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema 
default search field in schema is text
   [junit4]   2> 1348756 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema 
unique key field: id
   [junit4]   2> 1348767 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.FileExchangeRateProvider Reloading exchange rates from file currency.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1348770 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.FileExchangeRateProvider Reloading exchange rates from file currency.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1348772 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Reloading exchange rates from 
   [junit4]   2> 1348773 WARN  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Unknown key IMPORTANT NOTE
   [junit4]   2> 1348774 WARN  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Expected key, got STRING
   [junit4]   2> 1348774 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Reloading exchange rates from 
   [junit4]   2> 1348775 WARN  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Unknown key IMPORTANT NOTE
   [junit4]   2> 1348775 WARN  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Expected key, got STRING
   [junit4]   2> 1348775 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer 
Creating SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from collection 
   [junit4]   2> 1348775 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory
   [junit4]   2> 1348775 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [[collection1] ] Opening new SolrCore at 
   [junit4]   2> 1348776 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.JmxMonitoredMap JMX monitoring is enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX 
Server: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@367ab2bb
   [junit4]   2> 1348776 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 1348777 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore New index directory detected: old=null 
   [junit4]   2> 1348777 WARN  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
   [junit4]   2> 1348777 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 1348777 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: [TieredMergePolicy: 
maxMergeAtOnce=14, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=26, maxMergedSegmentMB=16.9306640625, 
floorSegmentMB=0.3232421875, forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=17.432587382193233, 
segmentsPerTier=2.0, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 1348778 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=RawDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@5d5b426c,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 1348778 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 1348779 INFO  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
Looking for old index directories to cleanup for core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 1348779 WARN  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
 does not point to a valid data directory; skipping clean-up of old index 
   [junit4]   2> 1348782 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348782 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348783 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
   [junit4]   2> 1348783 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348783 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
   [junit4]   2> 1348783 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348784 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348784 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1348784 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating 
implicit default
   [junit4]   2> 1348786 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1348787 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1348788 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1348789 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1348792 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.RequestHandlers Registered paths: 
   [junit4]   2> 1348793 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Using default statsCache cache:
   [junit4]   2> 1348794 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler Using UpdateLog implementation: 
   [junit4]   2> 1348794 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Initializing UpdateLog: dataDir= defaultSyncLevel=FLUSH 
numRecordsToKeep=100 maxNumLogsToKeep=10 numVersionBuckets=65536
   [junit4]   2> 1348795 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Hard AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 1348795 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Soft AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 1348796 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.AlcoholicMergePolicy: [AlcoholicMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=0, mergeFactor=10, maxMergeSize=1810676404, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=true, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 1348797 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=RawDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@5d5b426c,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 1348797 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 1348797 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@1f4e8d10[collection1] main
   [junit4]   2> 1348798 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Setting up ZooKeeper-based storage for the 
RestManager with znodeBase: /configs/conf1
   [junit4]   2> 1348798 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Configured ZooKeeperStorageIO with znodeBase: 
   [junit4]   2> 1348798 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing RestManager with initArgs: {}
   [junit4]   2> 1348799 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Reading _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 1348799 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage No data found for znode 
   [junit4]   2> 1348799 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Loaded null at path _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 1348799 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing 0 registered ManagedResources
   [junit4]   2> 1348800 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Commits will be reserved for  10000
   [junit4]   2> 1348800 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-1711-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
[collection1] Registered new searcher Searcher@1f4e8d10[collection1] 
   [junit4]   2> 1348800 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Looking up max value of version field to seed version buckets
   [junit4]   2> 1348800 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.VersionInfo Refreshing highest value of _version_ for 65536 version 
buckets from index
   [junit4]   2> 1348801 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.VersionInfo No terms found for _version_, cannot seed version bucket 
highest value from index
   [junit4]   2> 1348801 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Could not find max version in index or recent updates, using 
new clock 1505835288152244224
   [junit4]   2> 1348803 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Took 3 ms to seed version buckets with highest version 
   [junit4]   2> 1348803 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ZkController watch zkdir /configs/conf1
   [junit4]   2> 1348804 INFO  
[n: c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer registering core: collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1348805 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
Register replica - core:collection1 address: 
collection:control_collection shard:shard1
   [junit4]   2> 1348811 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.LeaderElector 
Joined leadership election with path: 
   [junit4]   2> 1348812 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext Running the leader process for shard shard1
   [junit4]   2> 1348813 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1348813 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext Enough replicas found to continue.
   [junit4]   2> 1348813 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext I may be the new leader - try and sync
   [junit4]   2> 1348813 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"leader",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard1",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection"} current state version: 1
   [junit4]   2> 1348814 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy 
Sync replicas to
   [junit4]   2> 1348814 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy 
Sync Success - now sync replicas to me
   [junit4]   2> 1348814 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy has no replicas
   [junit4]   2> 1348814 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext I am the new leader: shard1
   [junit4]   2> 1348821 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1348822 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"leader",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard1",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection",
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"active"} current state version: 1
   [junit4]   2> 1348973 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
We are and leader is
   [junit4]   2> 1348973 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
No LogReplay needed for core=collection1 baseURL=
   [junit4]   2> 1348973 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
I am the leader, no recovery necessary
   [junit4]   2> 1348974 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
publishing state=active
   [junit4]   2> 1348974 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1704-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard1 c:control_collection r:core_node1) [n: 
c:control_collection s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
numShards not found on descriptor - reading it from system property
   [junit4]   2> 1348975 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1348976 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "core_node_name":"core_node1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"active",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard1",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"} current state version: 2
   [junit4]   2> 1348977 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Update state numShards=1 
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "core_node_name":"core_node1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"active",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard1",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"control_collection",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"}
   [junit4]   2> 1349102 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ChaosMonkey monkey: init - expire sessions:false cause connection 
   [junit4]   2> 1349102 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase Creating collection1 with stateFormat=2
   [junit4]   2> 1349106 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1349107 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"create",
   [junit4]   2>   "name":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"2",
   [junit4]   2>   "stateFormat":"2"} current state version: 3
   [junit4]   2> 1349107 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ClusterStateMutator building a new cName: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349209 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ZkStateWriter going to create_collection 
   [junit4]   2> 1349432 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Writing file to 
   [junit4]   2> 1349433 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase create jetty 1 in directory 
   [junit4]   2> 1349437 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.2.11.v20150529
   [junit4]   2> 1349440 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 1349441 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 1349441 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server Started @1352400ms
   [junit4]   2> 1349441 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: 
 solrconfig=solrconfig.xml, hostContext=/, hostPort=51369, 
   [junit4]   2> 1349442 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init(): 
   [junit4]   2> 1349442 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349460 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrXmlConfig Loading container configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 1349466 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Config-defined core root directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349467 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer New CoreContainer 1445482402
   [junit4]   2> 1349467 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Loading cores into CoreContainer 
   [junit4]   2> 1349467 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer loading shared library: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349467 WARN  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader Can't find (or read) directory to add to 
classloader: lib (resolved as: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349475 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory created with socketTimeout : 90000,urlScheme 
: ,connTimeout : 15000,maxConnectionsPerHost : 20,maxConnections : 
10000,corePoolSize : 0,maximumPoolSize : 2147483647,maxThreadIdleTime : 
5,sizeOfQueue : -1,fairnessPolicy : false,useRetries : false,
   [junit4]   2> 1349476 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateShardHandler Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
   [junit4]   2> 1349477 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.l.LogWatcher SLF4J impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
   [junit4]   2> 1349477 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.l.LogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
   [junit4]   2> 1349477 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkContainer Zookeeper client=
   [junit4]   2> 1349477 INFO  
(TEST-CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.test-seed#[70084DC6BDC62AB3]) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkController zkHost includes chroot
   [junit4]   2> 1350492 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register node as live in 
   [junit4]   2> 1350496 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer (id=null) closing
   [junit4]   2> 1350496 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.LeaderElector Joined leadership election with 
path: /overseer_elect/election/94114705392861191-
   [junit4]   2> 1350497 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.LeaderElector Watching path 
/overseer_elect/election/94114705392861187- to 
know if I could be the leader
   [junit4]   2> 1350497 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer No authentication plugin used.
   [junit4]   2> 1350498 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Security conf doesn't exist. 
Skipping setup for authorization module.
   [junit4]   2> 1350498 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Looking for core definitions 
   [junit4]   2> 1350499 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Created CoreDescriptor: 
{name=collection1, config=solrconfig.xml, transient=false, schema=schema.xml, 
 coreNodeName=, dataDir=data/, shard=}
   [junit4]   2> 1350499 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 1350499 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found 1 core definitions
   [junit4]   2> 1350501 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter 
   [junit4]   2> 1350501 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init() 
   [junit4]   2> 1350501 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
publishing state=down
   [junit4]   2> 1350502 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
numShards not found on descriptor - reading it from system property
   [junit4]   2> 1350503 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1350503 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
Registering watch for external collection collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1350504 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"2",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"down",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"} current state version: 4
   [junit4]   2> 1350504 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Update state numShards=2 
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "roles":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "node_name":"",
   [junit4]   2>   "numShards":"2",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"down",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":null,
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"state"}
   [junit4]   2> 1350504 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Collection already exists 
with numShards=2
   [junit4]   2> 1350504 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ReplicaMutator Assigning new node to shard 
   [junit4]   2> 1350506 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController look 
for our core node name
   [junit4]   2> 1350607 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ZkStateWriter going to update_collection 
/collections/collection1/state.json version: 0
   [junit4]   2> 1351506 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController waiting 
to find shard id in clusterstate for collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1351506 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController Check 
for collection zkNode:collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1351507 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController 
Collection zkNode exists
   [junit4]   2> 1351507 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader 
new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 1351521 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.Config loaded config 
solrconfig.xml with version 0 
   [junit4]   2> 1351525 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrConfig current 
version of requestparams : -1
   [junit4]   2> 1351530 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrConfig Using 
Lucene MatchVersion: 6.0.0
   [junit4]   2> 1351538 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.Config Loaded 
SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1351539 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema Reading 
Solr Schema from /configs/conf1/schema.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1351544 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema 
[collection1] Schema name=test
   [junit4]   2> 1351638 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Initialized with 
rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
   [junit4]   2> 1351644 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema default 
search field in schema is text
   [junit4]   2> 1351645 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.s.IndexSchema unique 
key field: id
   [junit4]   2> 1351659 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.FileExchangeRateProvider Reloading exchange rates from file currency.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1351661 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.FileExchangeRateProvider Reloading exchange rates from file currency.xml
   [junit4]   2> 1351664 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Reloading exchange rates from 
   [junit4]   2> 1351665 WARN  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Unknown key IMPORTANT NOTE
   [junit4]   2> 1351665 WARN  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Expected key, got STRING
   [junit4]   2> 1351665 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Reloading exchange rates from 
   [junit4]   2> 1351666 WARN  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Unknown key IMPORTANT NOTE
   [junit4]   2> 1351666 WARN  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Expected key, got STRING
   [junit4]   2> 1351667 INFO  
[n: c:collection1   x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer 
Creating SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from collection collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1351667 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory
   [junit4]   2> 1351667 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [[collection1] ] Opening new SolrCore at 
   [junit4]   2> 1351667 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.JmxMonitoredMap JMX monitoring is enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX 
Server: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@367ab2bb
   [junit4]   2> 1351668 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 1351668 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore New index directory detected: old=null 
   [junit4]   2> 1351668 WARN  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
   [junit4]   2> 1351668 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 1351669 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: [TieredMergePolicy: 
maxMergeAtOnce=14, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=26, maxMergedSegmentMB=16.9306640625, 
floorSegmentMB=0.3232421875, forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=17.432587382193233, 
segmentsPerTier=2.0, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 1351670 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=RawDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@38969c50,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 1351670 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 1351673 INFO  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [n: 
c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Looking for 
old index directories to cleanup for core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 1351674 WARN  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [n: 
c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.DirectoryFactory 
 does not point to a valid data directory; skipping clean-up of old index 
   [junit4]   2> 1351677 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351677 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain creating updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351678 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.UpdateRequestProcessorChain inserting 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
   [junit4]   2> 1351679 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating 
implicit default
   [junit4]   2> 1351680 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1351682 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1351683 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1351683 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 1351690 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.RequestHandlers Registered paths: 
   [junit4]   2> 1351690 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Using default statsCache cache:
   [junit4]   2> 1351691 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler Using UpdateLog implementation: 
   [junit4]   2> 1351691 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Initializing UpdateLog: dataDir= defaultSyncLevel=FLUSH 
numRecordsToKeep=100 maxNumLogsToKeep=10 numVersionBuckets=65536
   [junit4]   2> 1351692 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Hard AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 1351692 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Soft AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 1351694 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.AlcoholicMergePolicy: [AlcoholicMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=0, mergeFactor=10, maxMergeSize=1810676404, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=true, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 1351694 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=RawDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@38969c50,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 1351694 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 1351695 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@53c55b4f[collection1] main
   [junit4]   2> 1351697 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Setting up ZooKeeper-based storage for the 
RestManager with znodeBase: /configs/conf1
   [junit4]   2> 1351697 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Configured ZooKeeperStorageIO with znodeBase: 
   [junit4]   2> 1351698 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing RestManager with initArgs: {}
   [junit4]   2> 1351698 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Reading _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 1351698 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage No data found for znode 
   [junit4]   2> 1351698 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Loaded null at path _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 1351699 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing 0 registered ManagedResources
   [junit4]   2> 1351699 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Commits will be reserved for  10000
   [junit4]   2> 1351699 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-1722-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Registered new 
searcher Searcher@53c55b4f[collection1] 
   [junit4]   2> 1351700 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Looking up max value of version field to seed version buckets
   [junit4]   2> 1351700 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.VersionInfo Refreshing highest value of _version_ for 65536 version 
buckets from index
   [junit4]   2> 1351700 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.VersionInfo No terms found for _version_, cannot seed version bucket 
highest value from index
   [junit4]   2> 1351700 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Could not find max version in index or recent updates, using 
new clock 1505835291192066048
   [junit4]   2> 1351702 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateLog Took 2 ms to seed version buckets with highest version 
   [junit4]   2> 1351703 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.ZkController watch zkdir /configs/conf1
   [junit4]   2> 1351703 INFO  
[n: c:collection1 s:shard2 r:core_node1 x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer registering core: collection1
   [junit4]   2> 1351704 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register replica - 
core:collection1 address: collection:collection1 
   [junit4]   2> 1351708 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.LeaderElector Joined leadership election 
with path: 
   [junit4]   2> 1351709 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext Running the 
leader process for shard shard2
   [junit4]   2> 1351711 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1351712 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"leader",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard2",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"collection1"} current state version: 4
   [junit4]   2> 1351713 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ZkStateWriter going to update_collection 
/collections/collection1/state.json version: 1
   [junit4]   2> 1351713 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext Enough replicas 
found to continue.
   [junit4]   2> 1351714 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext I may be the new 
leader - try and sync
   [junit4]   2> 1351718 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy Sync replicas to
   [junit4]   2> 1351719 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy Sync Success - now sync 
replicas to me
   [junit4]   2> 1351720 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy has no replicas
   [junit4]   2> 1351720 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ShardLeaderElectionContext I am the new 
leader: shard2
   [junit4]   2> 1351725 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1351725 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "operation":"leader",
   [junit4]   2>   "shard":"shard2",
   [junit4]   2>   "collection":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "base_url":"";,
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection1",
   [junit4]   2>   "state":"active"} current state version: 4
   [junit4]   2> 1351726 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.o.ZkStateWriter going to update_collection 
/collections/collection1/state.json version: 2
   [junit4]   2> 1351730 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController We are and leader is
   [junit4]   2> 1351730 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController No LogReplay needed for 
core=collection1 baseURL=
   [junit4]   2> 1351730 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController I am the leader, no recovery 
   [junit4]   2> 1351730 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController publishing state=active
   [junit4]   2> 1351730 INFO  
(coreZkRegister-1716-thread-1-processing-n: x:collection1 
s:shard2 c:collection1 r:core_node1) [n: c:collection1 s:shard2 
r:core_node1 x:collection1] o.a.s.c.ZkController numShards not found on 
descriptor - reading it from system property
   [junit4]   2> 1351731 INFO  
(zkCallback-401-thread-1-processing-n: [n:    
] o.a.s.c.DistributedQueue NodeChildrenChanged fired on path /overseer/queue 
state SyncConnected
   [junit4]   2> 1351732 INFO  
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer processMessage: queueSize: 1, message 
= {
   [junit4]   2>   "core":"collection

[...truncated too long message...]

   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at
   [junit4]   2>        at
   [junit4]   2>        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at
   [junit4]   2> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        ... 53 more
   [junit4]   2> 5051500 INFO  
[n: c:addReplicaColl s:shard1 r:core_node5 
x:addReplicaColl_shard1_replica3] o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 ###deleteCore
   [junit4]   2> Jul 05, 2015 3:09:02 AM 
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.ThreadLeakControl checkThreadLeaks
   [junit4]   2> WARNING: Will linger awaiting termination of 2 leaked 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Lucene53, sim=DefaultSimilarity, 
locale=ms, timezone=America/Marigot
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: Linux 3.13.0-52-generic amd64/Oracle Corporation 
1.8.0_25 (64-bit)/cpus=4,threads=2,free=95635048,total=535298048
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [TestExactSharedStatsCache, 
CollectionReloadTest, SolrInfoMBeanTest, TestImplicitCoreProperties, 
DirectUpdateHandlerOptimizeTest, TestBM25SimilarityFactory, 
TestSolrCloudWithKerberosAlt, UnloadDistributedZkTest, TestSolrQueryParser, 
ResponseLogComponentTest, SuggesterTest, TestFieldCollectionResource, 
TestFastOutputStream, FileBasedSpellCheckerTest, TestSolr4Spatial2, 
TestPartialUpdateDeduplication, RuleEngineTest, HdfsBasicDistributedZk2Test, 
TestStressReorder, TestDynamicFieldCollectionResource, ReplicationFactorTest, 
DistributedQueryElevationComponentTest, MultiThreadedOCPTest, 
MoreLikeThisHandlerTest, FullSolrCloudDistribCmdsTest, 
DistributedQueryComponentOptimizationTest, TestExactStatsCache, 
TestShortCircuitedRequests, TestReplicationHandlerBackup, OutputWriterTest, 
TestManagedStopFilterFactory, SoftAutoCommitTest, RecoveryAfterSoftCommitTest, 
OverseerTest, TestInitParams, DistributedSuggestComponentTest, 
OverseerCollectionProcessorTest, TestCollationField, AutoCommitTest, 
DistribJoinFromCollectionTest, PolyFieldTest, TestHdfsUpdateLog, 
TestCollectionAPI, TestMiniSolrCloudClusterSSL, BasicDistributedZk2Test, 
TestSchemaSimilarityResource, TestTrie, TestLuceneMatchVersion, TestRecovery, 
TestManagedResource, HdfsRecoveryZkTest, TestSystemIdResolver, 
SpellCheckCollatorTest, TestFieldTypeCollectionResource, SolrIndexSplitterTest, 
TestStressRecovery, TestAuthorizationFramework, SimpleFacetsTest, 
ActionThrottleTest, BadIndexSchemaTest, TestHashQParserPlugin, TestDocSet, 
TestRequestStatusCollectionAPI, OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest, 
BinaryUpdateRequestHandlerTest, TestLRUStatsCache, SearchHandlerTest, 
TestReloadAndDeleteDocs, ChangedSchemaMergeTest, HdfsLockFactoryTest, 
TestDefaultSimilarityFactory, StressHdfsTest, HdfsSyncSliceTest, 
RecoveryZkTest, DirectUpdateHandlerTest, TestReload, LoggingHandlerTest, 
TestSort, SOLR749Test, TestRandomFaceting, LeaderElectionTest, 
ZkSolrClientTest, TestZkChroot, TestRandomDVFaceting, ZkCLITest, 
TestDistributedSearch, TestPostingsSolrHighlighter, TestPhraseSuggestions, 
SynonymTokenizerTest, TestPerFieldSimilarity, 
TestLMJelinekMercerSimilarityFactory, TimeZoneUtilsTest, ScriptEngineTest, 
PreAnalyzedFieldTest, PrimUtilsTest, TestSuggestSpellingConverter, DOMUtilTest, 
TestSolrJ, TestUtils, TestDocumentBuilder, SystemInfoHandlerTest, 
UUIDFieldTest, CircularListTest, CursorPagingTest, 
DistributedIntervalFacetingTest, AsyncCallRequestStatusResponseTest, 
AsyncMigrateRouteKeyTest, CloudExitableDirectoryReaderTest, 
CollectionsAPIAsyncDistributedZkTest, DeleteInactiveReplicaTest, 
DeleteLastCustomShardedReplicaTest, DeleteReplicaTest, 
DistributedVersionInfoTest, OutOfBoxZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest, 
RemoteQueryErrorTest, RollingRestartTest, TestCloudPivotFacet, 
TestLeaderElectionZkExpiry, TestMiniSolrCloudCluster, 
   [junit4] Completed [514/514] on J2 in 1425.76s, 1 test, 1 error <<< FAILURES!

[...truncated 12 lines...]
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 There were test failures: 514 suites, 2022 tests, 2 errors, 20 ignored (10 

Total time: 200 minutes 21 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results
Email was triggered for: Failure
Sending email for trigger: Failure

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