Hi, this is my first post to the mailing list.  I'm working on a commercial
implementation of a Solr project and would like to share some of my work,
although it's not really much.

I wrote a halting DTD for the Solr config file queryElevation.xml and would
like to eventually write a DTD for the config file.  Who do I need to talk
to about reviewing my work and perhaps getting a little help.

My DTD works for our internal version of queryElevation.xml, but since the
ATTRIB name of the <doc/> tag could be anything, I'm not sure how to write a
DTD that would validate any valid query elevation file.

Anyway, thanks.  I put pressure on our company to redo our customer facing
search using Solr.  It launches soon and I've impressed everyone all the way
up to the CEO.... most of the credit goes to the Solr and Lucene devs for
making it so easy on me.


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