Woah, yeah, I have filed a few bugs as well as posted patches and
comments.  Indeed I don't seem to be able to comment anymore.  Anyone want
to add me (rjosal) to a role that can comment or create?


On Thursday, April 21, 2016, David Smiley <david.w.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wow!  My reading of this is that the general public (i.e. not committers)
> won't be able to really do anything other than view JIRA issues unless we
> expressly add individuals to a specific project group?  :-(  Clearly that
> sucks big time.  Is anyone reading this differently?  Assuming this is
> true... at this point maybe there is nothing to do but wait until the
> inevitable requests come in for people to create/comment.  Maybe send a
> message to the user lists?
> ~ David
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Gav <gmcdon...@apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','gmcdon...@apache.org');>>
> Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 12:14 AM
> Subject: Jira Spam - And changes made as a result.
> To: infrastruct...@apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','infrastruct...@apache.org');>
> Infrastructure <infrastruct...@apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','infrastruct...@apache.org');>>
> Hi All,
> Apologies for notifying you after the fact.
> Earlier today (slowing down to a halt about 1/2 hr ago due to our changes)
> we had a
> big Spam attack directed at the ASF Jira instance.
> Many project were affected, including :-
> During the process we ended up banning 27 IP addresses , deleted well over
> 200 tickets, and about 2 dozen user accounts.
> The spammers were creating accounts using the normal system and going
> through the required captchas.
> In addition to the ban hammer and deletions and to prevent more spam
> coming in, we changed the 'Default Permissions Scheme' so that anyone in
> the 'jira-users' group are no longer allowed to 'Create' tickets and are no
> longer allowed to 'Comment' on any tickets.
> Obviously that affects genuine users as well as the spammers, we know
> that.
> Replacement auth instead of jira-users group now includes allowing those
> in the 'Administrator, PMC, Committer, Contributor and Developer' ROLES in
> jira.
> Projects would you please assist in making this work - anyone that is not
> in any of those roles for your project; and needs access to be able to
> create issues and comment, please do add their jira id to one of the
> available roles. (Let us know if you need assistance in this area)
> This is a short term solution. For the medium to long term we are working
> on providing LDAP authentication for Jira and Confluence through Atlassian
> Crowd (likley).
> If any projects are still being affected, please notify us as you may be
> using another permissions scheme to the one altered. Notify us via INFRA
> jira ticket or reply to this mail to infrastruct...@apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','infrastruct...@apache.org');> or join us on
> hipchat (https://www.hipchat.com/gIjVtYcNy)
> Any project seriously adversely impacted by our changes please do come
> talk to us and we'll see what we can work out.
> Thanks all for your patience and understanding.
> Gav... (ASF Infra)
> --
> Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
> LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley | Book:
> http://www.solrenterprisesearchserver.com

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