On 11.04.2011 15:18, Rafael Bueno wrote:
Good morning. I wonder if you can help me with a problem. Working on
a project that uses version 1.0 of Castle ActiveRecords and we are
migrating to version 3.0 RC, but this version requires the assembly
"Lucene.Net, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken =
f5940d1699e37ff1", but the website Lucene.NET's just found the
assembly "Lucene.Net, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = null". The dependencies occur in that order
"Castle.ActiveRecord.dll ->  NHibernate.Search.dll ->  Lucene.
Net.dll. "await contact with the place where I can download the

Lucene.Net was never distributed with a strong name (PublicKeyToken
!= null). This means that you have to ask the NHibernate devs
where to obtain this special Lucene.Net version, because no one
else would be able to provide it.


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