: I am not against having multiple documentation branches -- I am *for*
: that.  I am against emulating our current source code practice of needing
: to commit twice (two branches) for most things.  I think that should be the
: exception, not the rule.  Only during a new dot-zero release would we be
: compelled to merge forward the changes from the previous branch.

To be very clear, my point was that by moving out of confluence and to an 
asciidoc based system kept in git, we know have the *choice* to 
maintain/backport documentation for multiple versions, and an easy way to 
backport changes.

This is not even a viable *option* for us to consider with confluence.

if/how/when to backport/forward-port documentation is a policy question we 
can decide at a later date -- the hypothetical example i gave was just one 
that assumed we'd want to keep docs in sync with code --  The main take 
away was to point out that we can now make that decision for ourselves if 
we migrat out of confluence.


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