Hi folks,

I think I'm missing something fundamental about how subfacets work and
relate to each other.  I don't really understand when it's legal to
reference a subfacet, and when it's not.

For example, here's a simple subfacet example from

        type: terms,
        field: author,
        limit: 7,
        sort: "revenue desc",
          revenue: "sum(sales)"

Notice how "revenue" is referenced from top_authors.sort?  The thing is, I
haven't seen any examples where the subfacet is referenced *except* for

What I'm actually trying to accomplish is doing some post-processing with
the aggregation functions.  But I don't want to aggregate at the "leaf
buckets" -- I'm trying to aggregate *across* buckets at a higher level.
You could think of this as similar to the "reduce" phase of a map-reduce.

In other words, I know how to fan *out* with subfacets to create more
buckets; what I don't know is how to then reduce those buckets into
aggregate statistics about the buckets.

What am I missing?


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