Le mar. 23 mai 2017 à 17:15, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Do others expect there to be a 6.7 release? I'm guessing there'll be a
> 6.7, and maybe one or two 6.7.x releases while 7.x settles down and/or
> we want to put a bow on the 6x code line.

Once 7.0 is out, releasing 6.x becomes trickier since we need to make sure
not only that it can read all previous versions, but also that new versions
(7.x) can read it. I'm not suggesting we do not do any release at all: we
should still do bugfix releases when important bugs are discovered. Since
bugfix releases tend to have contained change logs, it is easier to reason
about what could go wrong so we just need to be a bit more careful. However
I think we should avoid releasing new 6.x minor releases once 7.0 is out.

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