Adrien, I’ve pushed some more changes and seems like I’d have to regenerate 
some test indexes but I’m not sure how to do that. Do you mind taking a look at 
this in it’s current form, and also my commits? It is all @ my fork here: <>

P.S: I thought it’d make more sense to do this on a feature-branch but the 
upgrade script wasn’t happy about that. 


> On Jun 29, 2017, at 9:20 AM, Anshum Gupta <> wrote:
> Going with your suggestions, seems like we’d be wiping out all of the 
> backward-codecs folder/package, is that correct ? Also, do we need to put in 
> anything to ensure back-combat between 6x, and 7x?
> -Anshum
>> On Jun 29, 2017, at 7:21 AM, Anshum Gupta < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks Adrien, I’d want to try and do this myself as long as you can 
>> validate the correctness :).
>> I’ll be working on this in a few hours and should have an update later today 
>> and hopefully we’d wrap it up soon.
>> -Anshum
>>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 10:39 AM, Adrien Grand < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> If you don't want to do it, I can do it tomorrow but if you'd like to give 
>>> it a try I'd be happy to help if you need any guidance.
>>> Le mer. 28 juin 2017 à 19:38, Adrien Grand < 
>>> <>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Anshum,
>>> This looks like a good start to me. You would also need to remove the 6.x 
>>> version constants so that TestBackwardCompatibility does not think they are 
>>> worth testing, as well as all codecs, postings formats and doc values 
>>> formats that are defined in the lucene/backward-codecs module since they 
>>> are only about 6.x codecs.
>>> Le mer. 28 juin 2017 à 09:57, Anshum Gupta < 
>>> <>> a écrit :
>>> Thanks for confirming that Alan, I had similar thoughts but wasn’t sure. 
>>> I don’t want to change anything that I’m not confident about so I’m just 
>>> going to create remove those and commit it to my fork. If someone who’s 
>>> confident agrees with what I’m doing, I’ll go ahead and make those changes 
>>> to the upstream :).
>>> -Anshum
>>>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Alan Woodward < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> We don’t need to support lucene5x codecs in 7, so you should be able to 
>>>> just remove those tests (and the the relevant packages from 
>>>> backwards-codecs too), I think?
>>>>> On 28 Jun 2017, at 08:38, Anshum Gupta < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> I tried to move forward to see this work before automatically computing 
>>>>> the versions but I have about 30 odd failing test. I’ve made those 
>>>>> changes and pushed to my local GitHub account in case you have the time 
>>>>> to look: 
>>>>> <> 
>>>>> Here’s the build summary if that helps:
>>>>>    [junit4] Tests with failures [seed: 31C3B60E557C7E14] (first 10 out of 
>>>>> 31):
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testOutliers2
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testShortRange
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testFewValues
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testFullLongRange
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testRamBytesUsed
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testFewLargeValues
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testByteRange
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene53.TestLucene53NormsFormat.testLongRange
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene50.TestLucene50SegmentInfoFormat.testRandomExceptions
>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene62.TestLucene62SegmentInfoFormat.testRandomExceptions
>>>>>    [junit4] 
>>>>>    [junit4] 
>>>>>    [junit4] JVM J0:     0.56 ..     9.47 =     8.91s
>>>>>    [junit4] JVM J1:     0.56 ..     4.13 =     3.57s
>>>>>    [junit4] JVM J2:     0.56 ..    47.28 =    46.73s
>>>>>    [junit4] JVM J3:     0.56 ..     3.89 =     3.33s
>>>>>    [junit4] Execution time total: 47 seconds
>>>>>    [junit4] Tests summary: 8 suites, 215 tests, 30 errors, 1 failure, 24 
>>>>> ignored (24 assumptions)
>>>>> -Anshum
>>>>>> On Jun 27, 2017, at 4:15 AM, Adrien Grand < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> The test***BackwardCompatibility cases can be removed since they make 
>>>>>> sure that Lucene 7 can read Lucene 6 norms, while Lucene 8 doesn't have 
>>>>>> to be able to read Lucene 6 norms.
>>>>>> TestSegmentInfos needs to be adapted to the new versions, we need to 
>>>>>> replace 5 with 6 and 8 with 9. Maybe we should compute those numbers 
>>>>>> automatically based on Version.LATEST.major so that it does not require 
>>>>>> manual changes when moving to a new major version. That would give 5 -> 
>>>>>> Version.LATEST.major-2 and 8 -> Version.LATEST.major+1.
>>>>>> I can do those changes on Thursday if you don't feel comfortable doing 
>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> Le mar. 27 juin 2017 à 08:12, Anshum Gupta < 
>>>>>> <>> a écrit :
>>>>>> Without making any changes at all and just bumping up the version, I hit 
>>>>>> these errors when running the tests:
>>>>>>    [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  
>>>>>> -Dtestcase=TestSegmentInfos -Dtests.method=testIllegalCreatedVersion 
>>>>>> -Dtests.seed=C818A61FA6C293A1 -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=es-PR 
>>>>>> -Dtests.timezone=Etc/GMT+4 -Dtests.asserts=true 
>>>>>> -Dtests.file.encoding=US-ASCII
>>>>>>    [junit4] FAILURE 0.01s J0 | 
>>>>>> TestSegmentInfos.testIllegalCreatedVersion <<<
>>>>>>    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 
>>>>>> Expected exception IllegalArgumentException but no exception was thrown
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([C818A61FA6C293A1:CE340683BE44C211]:0)
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.expectThrows(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testIllegalCreatedVersion(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at
>>>>>>    [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  
>>>>>> -Dtestcase=TestSegmentInfos -Dtests.method=testVersionsOneSegment 
>>>>>> -Dtests.seed=C818A61FA6C293A1 -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=es-PR 
>>>>>> -Dtests.timezone=Etc/GMT+4 -Dtests.asserts=true 
>>>>>> -Dtests.file.encoding=US-ASCII
>>>>>>    [junit4] ERROR   0.00s J0 | TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsOneSegment 
>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException: segments file recorded 
>>>>>> indexCreatedVersionMajor=8 but segment=_0(7.0.0):C1 has older 
>>>>>> version=7.0.0 
>>>>>> (resource=BufferedChecksumIndexInput(MockIndexInputWrapper(RAMInputStream(name=segments_1))))
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([C818A61FA6C293A1:A7477EE8875F2E36]:0)
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$1.doBody(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$1.doBody(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readLatestCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsOneSegment(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at
>>>>>>    [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  
>>>>>> -Dtestcase=TestSegmentInfos -Dtests.method=testVersionsTwoSegments 
>>>>>> -Dtests.seed=C818A61FA6C293A1 -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=es-PR 
>>>>>> -Dtests.timezone=Etc/GMT+4 -Dtests.asserts=true 
>>>>>> -Dtests.file.encoding=US-ASCII
>>>>>>    [junit4] ERROR   0.00s J0 | TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsTwoSegments 
>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException: segments file recorded 
>>>>>> indexCreatedVersionMajor=8 but segment=_0(7.0.0):C1 has older 
>>>>>> version=7.0.0 
>>>>>> (resource=BufferedChecksumIndexInput(MockIndexInputWrapper(RAMInputStream(name=segments_1))))
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([C818A61FA6C293A1:4EE9CC4194FBB648]:0)
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$1.doBody(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$1.doBody(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos.readLatestCommit(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsTwoSegments(
>>>>>>    [junit4]    >         at
>>>>>> On applying the patch here ( 
>>>>>> <>), I end up with the following errors:
>>>>>>    [junit4] Tests with failures [seed: 5B388AB1E2BEFF87]:
>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testIllegalCreatedVersion
>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>> Any ideas on what I’m missing here? 
>>>>>> -Anshum
>>>>>>> On Jun 26, 2017, at 2:55 PM, Ryan Ernst < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> After changing that constant check, do you get the same test failures? 
>>>>>>> What are the actual failure messages?
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 10:38 AM Anshum Gupta < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Adrien, sadly, the tests aren't passing. That's the reason why I 
>>>>>>> didn't push the changes. I'll see if someone else can help while you're 
>>>>>>> away.
>>>>>>> -Anshum
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 9:55 AM Adrien Grand < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Your proposed change looks correct to me. As far as whether other 
>>>>>>> changes are required, I'm currently traveling but can look when I'm 
>>>>>>> back on Thursday. Feel free to push the branches if tests are passing, 
>>>>>>> we can fix things later?
>>>>>>> Le lun. 26 juin 2017 à 07:13, Anshum Gupta < 
>>>>>>> <>> a écrit :
>>>>>>> The only throw case that I think needs changing is in 
>>>>>>> L315
>>>>>>> Version luceneVersion = Version.fromBits(input.readVInt(), 
>>>>>>> input.readVInt(), input.readVInt());
>>>>>>> if (luceneVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_7_0_0) == false) {
>>>>>>>   // TODO: should we check indexCreatedVersion instead?
>>>>>>>   throw new IndexFormatTooOldException(input, "this index is too old 
>>>>>>> (version: " + luceneVersion + ")");
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> The Lucene version here should be LUCENE_7_0_0, instead of the original 
>>>>>>> LUCENE_6_0_0. 
>>>>>>> Is there anything else that's needed (and is this the correct change?).
>>>>>>> -Anshum
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 9:45 PM Anshum Gupta < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I am working on creating the 7x, and 7.0 branches but I have the 
>>>>>>> following failing tests:
>>>>>>>    [junit4] Tests with failures [seed: 4FBDDCD3F96316D3]:
>>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsTwoSegments
>>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testIllegalCreatedVersion
>>>>>>>    [junit4]   - 
>>>>>>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentInfos.testVersionsOneSegment
>>>>>>> I assume this is a result of me not doing anything about the following 
>>>>>>> TODO that got printed when I ran
>>>>>>> TODO
>>>>>>>   - Update IndexFormatTooOldException throw cases
>>>>>>> Can someone shed more light on what needs to be done here?
>>>>>>> -Anshum

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