
No tests ran.

Build Log:
[...truncated 28288 lines...]
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 491 files to 
     [copy] Copying 215 files to 
   [smoker] Java 1.8 JAVA_HOME=/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.8
   [smoker] NOTE: output encoding is UTF-8
   [smoker] Load release URL 
   [smoker] Test Lucene...
   [smoker]   test basics...
   [smoker]   get KEYS
   [smoker]     0.2 MB in 0.03 sec (6.9 MB/sec)
   [smoker]   check changes HTML...
   [smoker]   download lucene-7.3.0-src.tgz...
   [smoker]     31.7 MB in 0.09 sec (347.3 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download lucene-7.3.0.tgz...
   [smoker]     73.1 MB in 0.37 sec (198.8 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download
   [smoker]     83.6 MB in 0.18 sec (473.4 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   unpack lucene-7.3.0.tgz...
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.8...
   [smoker]       got 6284 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.8...
   [smoker]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
   [smoker]   unpack
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.8...
   [smoker]       got 6284 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.8...
   [smoker]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
   [smoker]   unpack lucene-7.3.0-src.tgz...
   [smoker]     make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...
   [smoker]     run "ant validate"
   [smoker]     run tests w/ Java 8 and testArgs='-Dtests.slow=false'...
   [smoker] command "export JAVA_HOME="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.8" 
JAVACMD="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.8/bin/java"; ant clean test 
-Dtests.slow=false" failed:
   [smoker] Buildfile: 
   [smoker] clean:
   [smoker]    [delete] Deleting directory 
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property disallowed.ivy.jars.list as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker] -ivy-fail-disallowed-ivy-version:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: Apache Ivy 2.4.0 - 20141213170938 :: ::
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] resolve-groovy:
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolving dependencies :: 
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath]     confs: [default]
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath]     found org.codehaus.groovy#groovy-all;2.4.12 in 
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolution report :: resolve 1533ms :: artifacts 
dl 18ms
   [smoker]     |                  |            modules            ||   
artifacts   |
   [smoker]     |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| 
   [smoker]     |      default     |   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   1   |   
0   |
   [smoker] -init-totals:
   [smoker] test-core:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property disallowed.ivy.jars.list as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker] -ivy-fail-disallowed-ivy-version:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 825 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]      [copy] Copying 3 files to 
   [smoker] compile-test-framework:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property disallowed.ivy.jars.list as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker] -ivy-fail-disallowed-ivy-version:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property disallowed.ivy.jars.list as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker] -ivy-fail-disallowed-ivy-version:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-codecs:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property disallowed.ivy.jars.list as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker] -ivy-fail-disallowed-ivy-version:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 67 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]      [copy] Copying 3 files to 
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 188 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]      [copy] Copying 4 files to 
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-test:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 466 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]      [copy] Copying 3 files to 
   [smoker] install-junit4-taskdef:
   [smoker] validate:
   [smoker] resolve-groovy:
   [smoker] -init-totals:
   [smoker] -test:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] <JUnit4> says hi! Master seed: 2F39B7B0CB344BED
   [smoker]    [junit4] Executing 459 suites with 3 JVMs.
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J2 PID(5424@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J0 PID(5425@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J1 PID(5426@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [1/459] on J2 in 17.97s, 21 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [2/459] on J1 in 16.71s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TestCharacterUtils
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [3/459] on J2 in 0.83s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [4/459] on J1 in 1.18s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.Test2BBKDPoints
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.10s J1 | Test2BBKDPoints.test2D
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes at least 4 hours and consumes many GB of temp disk space))
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | Test2BBKDPoints.test1D
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes at least 4 hours and consumes many GB of temp disk space))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [5/459] on J1 in 0.15s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [6/459] on J2 in 19.06s, 26 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [7/459] on J0 in 42.63s, 17 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestSloppyMath
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [8/459] on J1 in 29.92s, 8 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestNotDocIdSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [9/459] on J0 in 17.30s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [10/459] on J1 in 20.08s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestFilterDirectoryReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [11/459] on J1 in 0.54s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.TestUTF32ToUTF8
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [12/459] on J0 in 38.71s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestQueryBuilder
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [13/459] on J0 in 1.71s, 23 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [14/459] on J1 in 41.11s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [15/459] on J0 in 15.33s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [16/459] on J1 in 5.44s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BPostingsBytes
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | Test2BPostingsBytes.test
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes ~20GB-30GB of space and 10 minutes))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [17/459] on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.11s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: TODO: mess with the parameters and 
test gets angry!
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [18/459] on J2 in 119.45s, 20 tests, 3 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TestStopFilter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [19/459] on J2 in 0.93s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [20/459] on J1 in 45.01s, 21 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterFromReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [21/459] on J2 in 8.60s, 12 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNoMergePolicy
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [22/459] on J2 in 1.26s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestByteBlockPool
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [23/459] on J2 in 1.82s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [24/459] on J0 in 68.02s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:39:57, 
stalled for 66.2s at: TestSleepingLockWrapper.testObtainConcurrently
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [25/459] on J2 in 77.45s, 5 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMerging
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [26/459] on J2 in 26.92s, 6 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [27/459] on J2 in 0.91s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:40:58, 
stalled for  126s at: TestSleepingLockWrapper.testObtainConcurrently
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [28/459] on J1 in 176.69s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.08s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [29/459] on J0 in 169.18s, 17 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [30/459] on J0 in 1.65s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.04s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [31/459] on J2 in 76.87s, 23 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestPayloads
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [32/459] on J2 in 3.61s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [33/459] on J0 in 6.87s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestSparseFixedBitDocIdSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [34/459] on J2 in 25.33s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentTermDocs
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [35/459] on J2 in 9.86s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [36/459] on J0 in 38.18s, 17 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMultiLevelSkipList
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [37/459] on J2 in 3.63s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:42:59, 
stalled for 69.5s at: TestIndexSorting.testRandom3
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNRTReaderWithThreads
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [38/459] on J2 in 9.70s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [39/459] on J0 in 26.87s, 43 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDirectoryReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [40/459] on J2 in 21.34s, 24 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.document.TestDocument
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [41/459] on J2 in 1.15s, 12 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestVersion
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [42/459] on J2 in 0.48s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestIntroSelector
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [43/459] on J2 in 19.97s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [44/459] on J2 in 1.31s, 12 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [45/459] on J2 in 10.93s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [46/459] on J0 in 90.21s, 76 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestCodecs
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [47/459] on J0 in 7.50s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDocsWithFieldSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [48/459] on J0 in 0.29s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J2 PID(5424@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:44:59, 
stalled for 63.8s at: TestIndexWriterOutOfFileDescriptors.test
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIntBlockPool
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [49/459] on J0 in 11.84s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [50/459] on J0 in 0.47s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestPerSegmentDeletes
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [51/459] on J0 in 0.99s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [52/459] on J2 in 97.73s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMultiFields
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [53/459] on J2 in 9.49s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [54/459] on J2 in 3.69s, 8 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestBagOfPositions
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [55/459] on J0 in 44.38s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexSorting
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [56/459] on J1 in 243.64s, 50 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestTimSorter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [57/459] on J0 in 1.20s, 9 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestRoaringDocIdSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [58/459] on J2 in 11.36s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexReaderClose
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [59/459] on J0 in 6.57s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [60/459] on J2 in 9.44s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [61/459] on J2 in 5.14s, 31 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNRTThreads
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [62/459] on J2 in 12.83s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [63/459] on J2 in 20.03s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestByteSlices
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [64/459] on J1 in 58.14s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [65/459] on J1 in 3.53s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNRTReaderCleanup
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [66/459] on J1 in 1.52s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene70.TestIndexedDISI
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [67/459] on J0 in 72.83s, 10 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [68/459] on J1 in 39.76s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [69/459] on J1 in 1.23s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=Takes ~ 6 hours if the heap is 5gb))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [70/459] on J1 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestWeakIdentityMap
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [71/459] on J1 in 69.61s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexFileDeleter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [72/459] on J1 in 14.02s, 10 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.TestBKD
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestBKD.testRandomBinaryBig
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [73/459] on J2 in 136.20s, 19 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J0 PID(5425@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:49:02, 
stalled for 65.4s at: TestTermsEnum.testIntersectRandom
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermsEnum
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [74/459] on J0 in 120.12s, 13 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [75/459] on J0 in 6.88s, 16 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [76/459] on J2 in 19.93s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestFieldsReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [77/459] on J2 in 6.11s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [78/459] on J1 in 37.02s, 17 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTransactionRollback
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [79/459] on J1 in 1.35s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexInput
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [80/459] on J0 in 20.19s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [81/459] on J2 in 13.51s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [82/459] on J1 in 7.36s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestThreadedForceMerge
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [83/459] on J0 in 12.89s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDocCount
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [84/459] on J0 in 2.18s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestForTooMuchCloning
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [85/459] on J1 in 10.24s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMixedCodecs
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [86/459] on J2 in 17.14s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestExceedMaxTermLength
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [87/459] on J2 in 1.01s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [88/459] on J2 in 0.37s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTransactions
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [89/459] on J1 in 2.60s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestCustomNorms
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [90/459] on J1 in 14.31s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.fst.TestFSTs
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.02s J1 | TestFSTs.testRandomTermLookup
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testNonFinalStopNode
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testPrimaryKeys
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testRandomWords
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testSingleString
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testShortestPathsRandom
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testInternalFinalState
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testSimple
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testIllegallyModifyRootArc
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testBasicFSA
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testRealTerms
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testFinalOutputOnEndState
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testShortestPathsWFST
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.06s J1 | TestFSTs.testShortestPaths
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testExpandedCloseToRoot
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testShortestPathsWFSTRandom
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testRejectNoLimits
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testLargeOutputsOnArrayArcs
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testDuplicateFSAString
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestFSTs.testBigSet
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [91/459] on J1 in 0.14s, 20 tests, 20 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.fst.TestBytesStore
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [92/459] on J0 in 22.47s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterUnicode
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [93/459] on J1 in 36.34s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestVirtualMethod
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [94/459] on J1 in 0.22s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermdocPerf
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [95/459] on J1 in 0.25s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMaxDocs
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes over two hours))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [96/459] on J0 in 36.85s, 21 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestIntArrayDocIdSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [97/459] on J1 in 6.62s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestDocIdSetBuilder
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [98/459] on J2 in 63.43s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMaxPosition
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [99/459] on J2 in 0.64s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.Test2BPagedBytes
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | Test2BPagedBytes.test
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=You must increase heap to > 2 G to run this))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [100/459] on J2 in 0.11s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [101/459] on J2 in 0.84s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestInfoStream
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [102/459] on J2 in 0.59s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [103/459] on J1 in 16.29s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestSparseFixedBitSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [104/459] on J0 in 26.18s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTerm
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [105/459] on J0 in 0.17s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestBytesRefArray
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [106/459] on J0 in 1.37s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDocumentWriter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [107/459] on J0 in 1.50s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermVectorsWriter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [108/459] on J0 in 3.77s, 15 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [109/459] on J0 in 1.56s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.71s J0 | TestRateLimiter.testThreads
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: actualMBPerSec=20.313494907022527 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [110/459] on J0 in 3.45s, 2 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestInPlaceMergeSorter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [111/459] on J0 in 0.65s, 9 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [112/459] on J0 in 0.99s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [113/459] on J0 in 4.94s, 25 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.TestSearch
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [114/459] on J0 in 0.07s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [115/459] on J0 in 0.04s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [116/459] on J2 in 37.94s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene50.TestForUtil
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [117/459] on J2 in 2.60s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestSentinelIntSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [118/459] on J2 in 2.07s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentTermEnum
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [119/459] on J2 in 0.48s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestLongBitSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestLongBitSet.testHugeCapacity
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [120/459] on J2 in 4.46s, 11 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [121/459] on J2 in 2.35s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTieredMergePolicy
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [122/459] on J1 in 42.25s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [123/459] on J1 in 0.46s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestCloseableThreadLocal
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [124/459] on J1 in 0.33s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestMathUtil
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [125/459] on J1 in 0.57s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: we can only install VirusCheckingFS 
on an FSDirectory
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: test only works for FSDirectory 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [126/459] on J0 in 24.91s, 44 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BPoints
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | Test2BPoints.test2D
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes at least 4 hours and consumes many GB of temp disk space))
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | Test2BPoints.test1D
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=takes at least 4 hours and consumes many GB of temp disk space))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [127/459] on J0 in 0.01s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMaxTermFrequency
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [128/459] on J0 in 2.83s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [129/459] on J1 in 12.99s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [130/459] on J1 in 0.46s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.TestDemo
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [131/459] on J1 in 0.37s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestReaderClosed
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [132/459] on J1 in 0.52s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestCharsRefBuilder
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [133/459] on J1 in 0.14s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.geo.TestPolygon
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [134/459] on J1 in 0.69s, 15 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestOmitPositions
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [135/459] on J1 in 3.56s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [136/459] on J2 in 60.47s, 27 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: The MockRandom PF randomizes 
content on the fly, so we can't check it
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: The MockRandom PF randomizes 
content on the fly, so we can't check it
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [137/459] on J0 in 62.83s, 25 tests, 3 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [138/459] on J0 in 1.75s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [139/459] on J2 in 49.10s, 33 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BSortedDocValuesOrds
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | Test2BSortedDocValuesOrds.test2BOrds
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=Takes ~ 6 hours if the heap is 5gb))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [140/459] on J2 in 0.03s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestIOUtils
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [141/459] on J2 in 1.95s, 18 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [142/459] on J0 in 76.74s, 21 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [143/459] on J0 in 2.23s, 19 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [144/459] on J0 in 1.21s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [145/459] on J0 in 14.47s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestStressIndexing
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [146/459] on J0 in 4.70s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestLongPostings
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [147/459] on J2 in 82.74s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [148/459] on J2 in 7.82s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [149/459] on J2 in 6.06s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [150/459] on J2 in 0.11s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [151/459] on J2 in 0.33s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.document.TestBinaryDocument
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [152/459] on J2 in 0.12s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestPagedBytes
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [153/459] on J0 in 42.34s, 4 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [154/459] on J0 in 1.94s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestFlex
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [155/459] on J0 in 1.17s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test4GBStoredFields
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | Test4GBStoredFields.test
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [156/459] on J0 in 0.12s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [157/459] on J2 in 44.54s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [158/459] on J0 in 36.83s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterConfig
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [159/459] on J0 in 0.58s, 8 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [160/459] on J2 in 39.57s, 27 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [161/459] on J2 in 0.22s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:56:54, 
stalled for 69.3s at: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestStressIndexing2
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [162/459] on J2 in 6.75s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [163/459] on J2 in 18.67s, 9 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J0 PID(5425@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:57:18, 
stalled for 63.6s at: TestLucene50CompoundFormat.testLargeCFS
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.geo.TestGeoEncodingUtils
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [164/459] on J2 in 7.59s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [165/459] on J0 in 91.68s, 26 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermContext
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [166/459] on J0 in 0.33s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [167/459] on J0 in 0.41s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestStressAdvance
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [168/459] on J2 in 30.32s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestLazyProxSkipping
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.08s J2 | TestLazyProxSkipping.testLazySkipping
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: This test cannot run with Memory 
postings format
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [169/459] on J2 in 0.36s, 2 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BPositions
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | Test2BPositions.test
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=uses lots of space and takes a few minutes))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [170/459] on J2 in 0.10s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [171/459] on J2 in 0.44s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:57:56, 
stalled for  131s at: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [172/459] on J2 in 1.45s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.codecs.TestCodecLoadingDeadlock
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [173/459] on J0 in 15.77s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNeverDelete
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [174/459] on J0 in 4.95s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [175/459] on J0 in 0.23s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TestCharArrayMap
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [176/459] on J0 in 1.55s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestUnicodeUtil
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [177/459] on J0 in 4.42s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [178/459] on J0 in 0.41s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [179/459] on J2 in 21.65s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestMergedIterator
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [180/459] on J2 in 3.27s, 25 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexTooManyDocs
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [181/459] on J2 in 6.58s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestSegmentMerger
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [182/459] on J0 in 16.21s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [183/459] on J0 in 10.67s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [184/459] on J2 in 26.09s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:58:56, 
stalled for  191s at: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [185/459] on J0 in 20.47s, 9 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.TestOperations
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [186/459] on J2 in 13.76s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [187/459] on J2 in 22.59s, 54 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestPayloadsOnVectors
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [188/459] on J2 in 0.33s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [189/459] on J2 in 0.55s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T09:59:56, 
stalled for  252s at: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.TestDocIdsWriter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [190/459] on J0 in 64.03s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestFilterCodecReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [191/459] on J0 in 0.37s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestFixedBitDocIdSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [192/459] on J0 in 5.59s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [193/459] on J0 in 0.32s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [194/459] on J0 in 0.74s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [195/459] on J0 in 1.64s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNoDeletionPolicy
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [196/459] on J0 in 1.55s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [197/459] on J0 in 2.06s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.packed.TestPackedInts
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [198/459] on J0 in 111.84s, 28 tests, 3 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.04s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [199/459] on J0 in 0.08s, 12 tests, 12 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TestGraphTokenizers
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [200/459] on J0 in 48.04s, 23 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestAddIndexes
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [201/459] on J0 in 28.59s, 25 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [202/459] on J0 in 12.11s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.05s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [203/459] on J1 in 703.73s, 126 tests, 17 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterExceptions
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [204/459] on J0 in 70.33s, 34 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDeletionPolicy
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [205/459] on J0 in 12.92s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDuelingCodecs
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | TestDuelingCodecs.testEquals
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [206/459] on J0 in 0.05s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [207/459] on J1 in 67.22s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [208/459] on J1 in 0.28s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [209/459] on J2 in 342.52s, 110 tests, 3 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.02s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: we can only install VirusCheckingFS 
on an FSDirectory
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: test only works for FSDirectory 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [210/459] on J1 in 10.08s, 44 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [211/459] on J2 in 5.96s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [212/459] on J1 in 6.95s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [213/459] on J1 in 0.58s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermVectorsReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [214/459] on J1 in 5.34s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [215/459] on J1 in 0.61s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [216/459] on J1 in 0.34s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [217/459] on J0 in 29.58s, 10 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestNorms
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | TestNorms.testMaxByteNorms
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | TestNorms.testEmptyValueVsNoValue
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [218/459] on J0 in 0.09s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestAtomicUpdate
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [219/459] on J2 in 11.83s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestFieldInvertState
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [220/459] on J1 in 2.84s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BPostings
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | Test2BPostings.test
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [221/459] on J1 in 0.07s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [222/459] on J1 in 0.44s, 8 tests, 4 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterCommit
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [223/459] on J2 in 12.53s, 14 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDirectoryReaderReopen
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [224/459] on J2 in 10.00s, 14 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [225/459] on J2 in 19.45s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [226/459] on J0 in 78.44s, 36 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [227/459] on J0 in 10.23s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [228/459] on J2 in 46.81s, 16 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T10:07:09, 
stalled for 70.5s at: TestIndexWriterDelete.testIndexingThenDeleting
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestRollingUpdates
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [229/459] on J2 in 12.09s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [230/459] on J2 in 3.94s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.TestMinimize
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [231/459] on J0 in 19.39s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterDelete
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [232/459] on J1 in 110.95s, 25 tests, 2 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterForceMerge
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [233/459] on J2 in 20.10s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [234/459] on J1 in 27.77s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestArrayUtil
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [235/459] on J0 in 38.32s, 14 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [236/459] on J0 in 5.48s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTermsEnum2
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [237/459] on J1 in 15.75s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [238/459] on J1 in 0.52s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [239/459] on J1 in 0.13s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestParallelLeafReader
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [240/459] on J1 in 2.10s, 10 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [241/459] on J2 in 33.97s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [242/459] on J0 in 13.14s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [243/459] on J0 in 20.07s, 21 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [244/459] on J2 in 27.71s, 70 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [245/459] on J1 in 37.15s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.TestExternalCodecs
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [246/459] on J1 in 3.27s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestOmitNorms
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [247/459] on J2 in 14.70s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestFixedBitSet
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [248/459] on J2 in 21.19s, 19 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.TestAutomaton
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [249/459] on J1 in 37.60s, 56 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestTryDelete
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [250/459] on J1 in 0.22s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestStressNRT
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [251/459] on J1 in 7.91s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [252/459] on J1 in 0.45s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [253/459] on J1 in 0.87s, 8 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [254/459] on J2 in 26.40s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [255/459] on J2 in 2.20s, 11 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestCrash
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [256/459] on J2 in 3.86s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [257/459] on J1 in 20.13s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDuelingCodecsAtNight
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestDuelingCodecsAtNight.testEquals
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'nightly' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [258/459] on J1 in 0.02s, 3 tests, 3 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestLSBRadixSorter
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [259/459] on J1 in 1.58s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestCollectionUtil
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [260/459] on J0 in 91.50s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [261/459] on J0 in 5.31s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestMultiDocValues
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [262/459] on J0 in 3.65s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [263/459] on J2 in 28.76s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TestToken
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [264/459] on J0 in 0.24s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDocValuesIndexing
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [265/459] on J0 in 3.51s, 34 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [266/459] on J2 in 12.08s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.Test2BDocs
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | Test2BDocs.test2BDocs
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'monster' test group is disabled 
(@Monster(value=Takes ~30min))
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [267/459] on J2 in 0.06s, 1 test, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterOnDiskFull
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [268/459] on J2 in 6.33s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [269/459] on J0 in 15.50s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [270/459] on J0 in 7.06s, 30 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestPostingsOffsets
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [271/459] on J2 in 16.74s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | TestRAMDirectory.testPendingDeletions
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: we can only install VirusCheckingFS 
on an FSDirectory
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: test only works for FSDirectory 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [272/459] on J0 in 10.94s, 46 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [273/459] on J2 in 2.08s, 16 tests, 1 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestDocsAndPositions
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [274/459] on J0 in 4.60s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.TestDeterminism
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [275/459] on J2 in 6.90s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(5426@localhost): 2018-01-30T10:11:11, 
stalled for 64.3s at: TestPointQueries.testAllEqual
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.TestMergeSchedulerExternal
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [276/459] on J0 in 11.73s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [277/459] on J0 in 6.56s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.util.TestBytesRefHash
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [278/459] on J0 in 20.47s, 8 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestBagOfPostings
   [smoker]    [junit4] Comple

[...truncated too long message...]

 warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: ClassificationTestBase
   [smoker]     [javac] public abstract class DocumentClassificationTestBase<T> 
extends ClassificationTestBase {
   [smoker]     [javac]                                                         
   [smoker]     [javac]   missing type arguments for generic class 
   [smoker]     [javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [smoker]     [javac]     T extends Object declared in class 
   [smoker]     [javac] 1 warning
   [smoker] install-junit4-taskdef:
   [smoker] validate:
   [smoker] resolve-groovy:
   [smoker] -init-totals:
   [smoker] -test:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] <JUnit4> says مرحبا! Master seed: 941D4C3D507685DF
   [smoker]    [junit4] Executing 11 suites with 3 JVMs.
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J2 PID(24544@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J0 PID(24547@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J1 PID(24545@localhost).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [1/11] on J0 in 38.20s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J2 PID(24544@localhost): 2018-01-30T11:21:36, 
stalled for 61.3s at: CachingNaiveBayesClassifierTest.testPerformance
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J1 PID(24545@localhost): 2018-01-30T11:21:37, 
stalled for 60.3s at: SimpleNaiveBayesClassifierTest.testPerformance
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  
-Dtestcase=CachingNaiveBayesClassifierTest -Dtests.method=testPerformance 
-Dtests.seed=941D4C3D507685DF -Dtests.multiplier=2 -Dtests.locale=zh 
-Dtests.timezone=America/Rio_Branco -Dtests.asserts=true 
   [smoker]    [junit4] FAILURE 69.4s J2 | 
CachingNaiveBayesClassifierTest.testPerformance <<<
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: evaluation 
took more than 1m: 64s
   [smoker]    [junit4]    >    at 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    >    at 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    >    at
   [smoker]    [junit4]   2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Asserting(Lucene70): 
{bool=Lucene50(blocksize=128), cat=Lucene50(blocksize=128), 
text=PostingsFormat(name=LuceneFixedGap)}, docValues:{}, 
maxPointsInLeafNode=958, maxMBSortInHeap=5.917414935214648, 
sim=RandomSimilarity(queryNorm=true): {bool=DFR G2, cat=DFR I(n)1, text=IB 
LL-L1}, locale=zh, timezone=America/Rio_Branco
   [smoker]    [junit4]   2> NOTE: Linux 3.13.0-88-generic amd64/Oracle 
Corporation 1.8.0_144 (64-bit)/cpus=4,threads=1,free=226172632,total=341311488
   [smoker]    [junit4]   2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [2/11 (1!)] on J2 in 96.79s, 4 tests, 1 
failure <<< FAILURES!
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [3/11 (1!)] on J2 in 5.06s, 3 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] HEARTBEAT J0 PID(24547@localhost): 2018-01-30T11:22:01, 
stalled for 68.7s at: BM25NBClassifierTest.testPerformance
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [4/11 (1!)] on J1 in 110.31s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [5/11 (1!)] on J0 in 75.81s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [6/11 (1!)] on J0 in 9.50s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [7/11 (1!)] on J1 in 15.90s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [8/11 (1!)] on J0 in 3.99s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [9/11 (1!)] on J0 in 1.22s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [10/11 (1!)] on J1 in 8.73s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [11/11 (1!)] on J2 in 47.70s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Tests with failures [seed: 941D4C3D507685DF]:
   [smoker]    [junit4]   - 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J0:     5.81 ..   141.42 =   135.61s
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J1:     6.23 ..   148.81 =   142.58s
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J2:     5.41 ..   160.29 =   154.88s
   [smoker]    [junit4] Execution time total: 2 minutes 41 seconds
   [smoker]    [junit4] Tests summary: 11 suites, 42 tests, 1 failure
   [smoker] BUILD FAILED
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 There were test failures: 11 suites, 42 tests, 1 failure [seed: 
   [smoker] Total time: 109 minutes 30 seconds
   [smoker] Traceback (most recent call last):
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1484, in <module>
   [smoker]     main()
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1428, in main
   [smoker]     smokeTest(, c.url, c.revision, c.version, c.tmp_dir, 
c.is_signed, ' '.join(c.test_args))
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1466, in smokeTest
   [smoker]     unpackAndVerify(java, 'lucene', tmpDir, 'lucene-%s-src.tgz' % 
version, gitRevision, version, testArgs, baseURL)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 622, in unpackAndVerify
   [smoker]     verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, 
gitRevision, version, testArgs, tmpDir, baseURL)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 721, in verifyUnpacked
   [smoker]     java.run_java8('ant clean test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test.log' % 
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1233, in run_java
   [smoker]     run('%s; %s' % (cmd_prefix, cmd), logfile)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 547, in run
   [smoker]     raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s' % 
(command, logPath))
   [smoker] RuntimeError: command "export 
JAVACMD="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.8/bin/java"; ant clean test 
-Dtests.slow=false" failed; see log file 

exec returned: 1

Total time: 155 minutes 44 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any
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